
Grade 9 Drama (ADA1O1)

ADA1O is an introductory course to the dramatic arts. Students are provided with opportunities to explore dramatic forms and techniques, using material from a wide range of sources and cultures. They will engage in several collaborative projects to develop skills in movement, voice, body language, and characterization, while exploring units in tableau, mime, monologue, and scene work. Students will use the elements of drama to examine situations and issues that are relevant to their lives. Students will create, perform, discuss, and analyse drama, and then reflect on the experiences to develop an understanding of themselves, the art form, and the world around them.

The dramatic arts are home to a wide range of diverse students! Drama students are dedicated, passionate, creative, expressive, energetic, and enthusiastic. No prior experience is needed for the grade 9 course, just a willingness to express yourself!

There will be a final performance to assess all the skills and knowledge developed during the course, but there is no final exam for this course!

ADA2O Course Outline

ADA1O Radio Play - Wait Wait Bo Bait.mp4

A Radio Play - Socially Distant Drama!

ADA2O - Grade 10 Dramatic Arts

ADA2O is a foundational course in the dramatic arts. It provides opportunities for students to further explore dramatic forms, conventions, and techniques established in the Grade 9 course. Students will explore a variety of dramatic sources from various cultures and representing a range of genres, with a focus on comedic style and timing. Students will use the elements of drama in creating and communicating through dramatic works, both independently and collaboratively, with units centered around sketch comedy, improvisation, Commedia dell’Arte, and physical comedy. Students will assume responsibility for decisions made in the creative and collaborative processes and will reflect on their experiences.

There will be a full-class final comedy show performance to assess all the skills and knowledge developed during the course, but there is no final exam for this course!

ADA2O1 Course Outline ADA2O8 (ESL Drama) Course Outline


Grades 10, 11, and 12

ADA3M and ADA4M - Grade 11/12 Dramatic Arts

ADA3/4M continues to develop the skills and techniques learned in previous years, with a focus on more advanced techniques in grade 11, and directing/play-making in grade 12. Students will create and perform in dramatic and comedic presentations. Students will analyze, interpret, and perform dramatic works from various cultures and time periods. Units of study for both levels will feature Commedia techniques, choral speaking, and dramatic scenes. Grade 11 students can look forward to units on stage combat and monologue, while grade 12 students look more in depth at theatre history and technical roles. All students will research various acting styles and conventions that could be used in their presentations, and analyse the functions of playwrights, directors, actors, designers, technicians, and audiences. Students will build on previous knowledge and will receive more classical and focused acting training.

There is no final exam for this course. The final performance will be a culmination of all knowledge and skills learned throughout the secondary drama courses.

ADA3M/4M Course Outline