Special needs


Geneva Centre

Holland Bloorview

Brighton Social Skills

Group E-Social: Friday Evenings

FNS E-Social is a chance for adolescents 13+ and young adults, who require some support or facilitation of social skills and friendships, to engage in social interaction, safely and online, in this age of COVID-19.

Variety Village Workout Routine

Follow the link to find youtube videos of workouts

Virtual Support

DramaWay Arts

DramaWay Art is offering virtual Music Moves: Wednesdays @ 2pm via Facebook and Zoom

Mindfulness Mondays

Free online session for people with Developmental Disabilities and their caregivers. Sign up at:

Tune in Tuesdays

Free Mindfulness for autistic adults and adults with other developmental disabilities during covid-19. Sign up at:

What's Up Wednesdays

Covid-19 Info in Plain Language. Sign up at:

Fit Fridays:

Free online physical activity sessions. Sign up at:

If you have any questions contact brianne.redquest@camh.ca

Plain Language Information

Information BY and FOR People with Disabilities

Rules when shopping for groceries and health products video

Getting Tested: Social Story

Corona Virus, Sick at home: Social Story

My Corona Virus Social Story

A variety of plain language resources


Covid-19 Specific Visuals

Non-Covid Specific Visuals