
This site is designed to help educators, students and families navigate Brightspace.

What will I find here?

Educators 📚

Support material to help everyone from first time to power users.

☑️ 'How To' videos, slides and instructions to help build and customise your online spaces

☑️ Self-serve professional learning resources including video recordings and instructional slides. 

☑️ Strategies for Engagement, Assessment, Evaluation and Community Building

☑️ Support Contacts

Jump to the Educators Page: Here 

Families 🏠

A window into your child's classroom.

☑️ Instructions for creating and using your Brightspace for Families Account

Jump to the Families Page: Here 

Students 🎒

Support material to help you find and navigate your online classroom.

☑️ Student guides for getting started in Brightspaces

☑️ Instructions and support for using Portfolio

Jump to the Students Page: Here 


Brightspace Getting Started - eSummer

Brightspace's (D2L) is an online learning platform used across the TDSB, by teachers K - 12 for virtual, simultaneous & blended learning. The Brightspace suite of online learning tools is provided to all Ontario school districts by the Ministry of Education and is fully supported for use in TDSB by staff and students.