Welcome to Kindergarten

Your child is getting ready to enter Kindergarten! Congratulations!  S/he will need well-developed listening and speaking skills. Your child needs these skills to participate in many classroom activities, such as routines, story time, and play. The ability to talk and to understand is also important for learning to read and write.  See below for ten tips to support your child’s speech and language skills. 


If you have any concerns about how your child is doing in the areas of speaking and listening in either English or in the language you speak to her/him at home, contact Toronto Preschool Speech & Language Program (formerly called Early Abilities) to have your child seen by a speech-language pathologist.  You can call 1-833-575-KIDS (5437) or complete an online referral. Please note the referral cut-off dates:

                            support to transition to school

                            transition to school

You do not need a doctor’s referral for this service. It is important for children to be seen for services as soon as possible in order to benefit the most. To find out if your child would benefit from a referral see the Communication Checklist. Here are some excellent tips and strategies for you to help your child while you are waiting for speech and language services


If you speak a language other than English, it is important for your child to hear good language models. Speaking your home language is very important and will not prevent your child from learning English. 


If you are concerned about your child’s listening and/or speaking skills, contact your doctor who can arrange for a referral to an audiologist for a hearing test.  Audiology services are covered through OHIP only in those clinics with an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) physician on site.


Your local EarlyON Child and Family Centre offers support in getting your child ready for school.  These centres are for parents/caregivers and their children up to the age of 6 years.  They offer a variety of activities for families. They also provide information about child development and services to support that development.  For more information or to find a centre near you: Find an EarlyON child and family centre 


It is important to share any reports/information (i.e. hearing test results, Preschool Speech and Language Program report, medical reports, etc.) with your child’s school as early as possible.  This will help your child’s teacher better understand his/her strengths and needs upon entry to Kindergarten.