Computer Technology, Engineering and Software Design

Information and Communications Technology SHSM

What is it?

The Software and Computer Engineering stream of our SHSM allows students to explore the world of computer programming and computer technology; and many graduates continue their interest in engineering at the post secondary level. This program fosters the development of analytical and problem solving skills for each individual through creativity and critical thinking. Students will have many opportunities to take on leadership roles and work in teams to produce industry level projects.

Students will also gain real world experience implementing complex systems and troubleshooting problems. They will have the opportunity to design and program robots and learn what it takes to be an engineer first hand from professional engineers. The curriculum will help develop important skills for students who are part of our world class FIRST Robotics team.

Technology is not going away, and we want all students to have the knowledge required for tomorrow's jobs.


All Requirements for the program can be found here

For more information contact chris.bis@tdsb.on.caÂ