Room 5 - Time to THRIVE!

Donald - JK/SK

"Good work has a snowball effect, it keeps leading to more good work."
- Richa Chadha

Storytime and Sharing
There was still some snow left in the OPAL yard and these kindie kids made the most of it! They were on a snow-roll, made sticky things, and even worked on a ten frame of snow to count on!  Find snow - will play!

"Maple Syrup: a delicious reminder of the beauty and richness of nature."
- unknown

Marvels of the Maple
This year at Wilkinson, we decided to celebrate this special time of year (sometimes referred to as the Maple Moon or Sugar Moon) by tapping two maples! What better way to learn about this amazing natural occurrence then to participate ourselves right here at school?!

It's Maple Syrup Time (Dance Edition) 🎶
This class spent two weeks connecting with our maples! We enjoyed an Indigenous legend about why maple trees have sap instead of syrup; learned how the sap is only at this time of year and acts as food for the buds in the late winter; how it is a 40:1 ratio for sap:syrup; and how boiling away water is the way to make syrup out of sap - you don't add anything! We got to check out what sap looked and tasted like compared to syrup too! We watched a short video of an Indigenous man showing us his traditional ways of tapping trees. Oh, we also danced to some music (Move It Move It) to flow like the sap that was movin' it through the maples and then danced our joy out around the Learning Garden and around the maple trees where the taps were to a great song called "It's Maple Syrup Time" that you can listen to here.  I tweeted about our maple syrup learning here and here too. It really is such a special time that provides a great learning opportunity!🍁 

Gong Hei Fat Choy!
Happy Chinese New Year!

Storytime and Sharing
We were so lucky to have Ms. Ho read us a story about Chinese New year and share a lunar new year gift of a bright red envelope with 'money' in it to symbolize good luck for the year ahead! Thank you, Ms Ho!

"Creativity is the art of creating nothing into a joyful something!"
- Vince Gowmon

Imagination and Innovation for the Win!
Witnessing the growth and development of creativity and collaboration with these Kinder Superstars is heart-warming. Any time we are able to head to the OPAL yard, these kiddos get to making something out of what starts out as nothing. They build together, they play together, the put everything away together. Sometimes they play as a big group, sometimes they naturally gravitate into smaller groups based on their interests that day. By truly allowing them the space to move and innovate, their imaginations take over and what they create is a wonder!

"It's not what we do for children, but what they are taught they can do for themselves, that will make them successful human beings."
- Ann Landers

Independent Play and Self-Assessed Risk Taking
We went to a whole new space to explore together - the balance beams! Everything they did was independent. No helping them up, or down - no pressure to do anything. The pride and sense of accomplishment was amazing. This is the goal, independence, choosing your own challenge, and supporting one another. It was fun and full of growth. There have been a few requests to go back and do it again! ❤️

"Wonder is the beginning of wisdom."
- Socrates

OPAL Closed Today...
We like mud. We like mud a lot ... but, this was a lot - a lot of mud. You're welcome, we found somewhere else to play this day! :)

Let's Follow all our Wonders
We couldn't play in that much mud, so we found our wonderings! We learned about coniferous (co-nif-er-ous) and deciduous (de-cid-u-ous) trees. We followed the leader. We scream-flail-and-ran in the ballcourt. Lessons, learning, and laughs continue!

"Make the most of what you have, when you have it, where you are."
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Found Snow - Will Play
There was snow! Not a lot of it and not for long, but we made the most of it! Ms. Kathleen even created a space where we could THROW snowballs! Some of us improved our throws with the step with one leg and throw with the other arm approach! We ran, we played, be built, we threw, we enjoyed.

Let your heart emerge, as all the wild things do, with the return of the light... HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE!

Winter: A Solstice Story
This story is a sweet celebration of the the Winter Solstice. A group of animal friends gather in a quiet forest to celebrate the longest night of the year, each bringing something to share in decorating a beautiful tree and sharing the light of the season. 

Wilkinson's Winter Solstice Tree
After learning about what solstice is and how we were heading into the day with the longest amount of darkness! Then, we took inspiration from the Kelsey E. Gross book we read and decided to honour and acknowledge this amazing pattern of nature by creating gifts of hope for a mulberry tree in the Learning Garden that we dubbed "The Solistice Tree". Using only natural objects found in the Learning Garden and without causing any harm to the plants, students got creative! A number of classes contributed and if you happened past the Learning Garden on the Solstice, you would have been treated to flickering tea lights and nature decorations. You can see my tweet about it here

"The greatest invention in the world is the mind of a child."
- Thomas Edison

The space at the front of the school yard is referred to as "The OPAL yard".
OPAL = Outdoor Play And Learning. 

It's a great space offering open, free, loose parts for students to take charge of following their interests and learning. Kids can be active in this  environment that supports creative expression and provides endless opportunity to create and challenge themselves. Play is the way to learn all of the things they need to know that aren't taught like  cooperation, imagination, initiative, collaboration, resilience, and risk-taking. 

Free Play and Lots of Learning Outside!
This class is growing and learning in a play-based social context. They innovate, create, collaborate, and are working to be flexible in their thinking while they do it. They are given the space and freedom to follow their interests and wonderings which results in new ideas, insightful thought sharing, and jovial problem solving. Sometimes, the result is messy, literally - plenty of dirty sticking to damp snowsuits and though I'm sorry that it is messy - I'm really happy for them and their exploration. They do not seem to be phased by it at all! I look forward to more time spent in this space with them in the new year! I do tweet about time in the OPAL yard, feel free to check it out  here

The only rule is to be SIF
Safe with our words, hands, land.
Inclusive of others.
Fun - and lots of it!

"Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best."
- Bob Talbert

Inside Exploration - The Things you can Count On!
When the weather outside is unplayable, you make the most of the indoors! So, we went on an exploration of our school-home in search of which floor had the most chairs and doors that we could count from the hallway! We reviewed what a tally is and set off. We also had the added goal of noticing circles is unusual places! We discovered many things, but mostly that the mysterious third floor, that most of us had never been to, had the most chairs in the hall and the most doors! Where do they all go?! We wondered many things too, like why are there so few chairs in the basement hallway and how many of us can fit into some of the little nooks and crannies we found! It was a fun (and secretly educational) way to move our bodies, explore our school, and do some math! Even the circles we found were interesting - drains, hoses, lights, doorknobs and more - oh my! 

"Tell me a fact and I'll learn. Tell me the truth and I'll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever."
- North American Indigenous Proverb

The Year the Roses Died
This story is from a book about Anishinaabe Botanical Teachings called  "Plants have so Much to Give Us, All We have to do is Ask" by Mary Siisip Geniusz. We even heard Anishinaabemowin words for different animals including:
- waawaashkeshiwag (deer), bineshiinyag (little birds),  aamoog (bees),  memengwaag (butterflies), waabooz (rabbit), makwa (black bear) and more...
This story shares the Anishinaabe explanation for why roses have thorns (and why rabbits look the way they do)! 

Learning, Moving, Listening, Creating
The story is worth retelling, ask you child what they remember! Plus, the lessons in the story are many: a caution against blame, only take what you need, be gentle with your hands, remember to keep things in balance, and much more. We used our bodies to add to the story because this story has no pictures!

After reading this story, Ms. Kathleen sent us in search of the wild roses growing in the Learning Garden. Without flowers, we had to search for the thorns! We also found rose hips and learned all about this wild rose plant growing here! Then we moved around the Learning Garden with our bodies like the different animals we met in the story.

"One of the first obligations of art is to make all useful things beautiful." - Edith Wharton

Artistic Knowledge!
When partially surrounded by rickety wooden walls in the kindie yard, why not bring some cheer, colour, and kid greatness to it?! Way to make the wooden walls lovely, room 5! 

"How can anyone play outside with all this rain?!"
- Piggie in "Are You Ready to Play Outside?" by Mo Willems

Story: Are You Ready to Play Outside? is a great story starring Gerald (elephant) and Piggie. They are excited to play outside (run, skip, jump) then it starts to rain. Piggie is not happy. Gerald offers shelter with his ear until they notice that worms make the most of the rain and get an idea to make the most of the rain too! When it stops raining, and disappoitment surfaces again - Gerald has a plan. Elephants do make the best friends... 

We are Ready to Play Outside
We fot into partners and decided who would act out Piggie and who would be Gerald. We put on a great show while Ms. Kathleen read this fun story. The best part had to be when it started raining in the book at the same time the drops started to fall on our heads. We weren't worried - we also were ready to be outside and make the most out of the rain! We rain, we jumped, we skipped! There was laughing. We even decided where the best tree-umbrellas were! We piled up pine needles under the tree umbrellas, dug for pine cones after, then counted them in piles of 10! There's SO MUCH FUN to be had outside, rain or shine!

"Don't worry, tree. I've got your leaf. I'll fix you."
- Fletcher from "Fox and the Falling Leaves" by Julia Rawlinson

Story: Fox and the Falling Leaves is a great story about Fletcher the Fox and his worries about the leaves falling from his favourite tree. He is concerned about nature and about his tree during the changing of the seasons. He tries to catch the leaves that the wind blows off, stop animals from taking the fallen leaves, tries to put the leaves back, but ends up learning  that the tree is okay! It encompasses empathy, wonder, and joy.

Leaf Play
We played and played and played with leaves, just like Fletcher the Fox! We enjoyed Fletcher learning that 'autumn' isn't an illness! We know the trees that loose their leaves are doing good things for the soil and for animals! We crinkled leaves, we tossed and caught leaves, we made 'leaf kebabs', and we tried to put leaves back on trees knowing they wouldn't stay on! Then, we got to play our favourite game again where Ms. Kathleen, er, I mean "Ms. Fox" wants to eat the class, er... um, I mean "the squirrels"! The best way to stay safe is to stay behind and FREEZE when she turns around!

"To leave the world better than you found it, sometimes you have to clean up other people's trash." - Bill Nye

Litter Pickers
We had some free play time in the Learning Garden and Ms. Kathleen brought out these neat gadgets that she let us use! They were super helpful for working on our eye-hand coordination, spotting litter, moving our bodies safely, and making our hands super strong all while making our kindie space cleaner! We didn't have to do it, but we sure enjoyed it. Ms. Kathleen needs more of them since there were so many helpers! 🍁

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers" - L.M Montgomery

Story: Full of Fall explores the changes trees undergo during the fall. We see amazing photos as the leaves begin to change from greed to red, yellow, orange, and a mixture of all the colours, to the shedding of the leaves as winter approaches. 

Fabulous Fall
We just love all of the beautiful colours and loose parts that we can access all around us to make our own fall masterpieces and splash around! We used the wet leaves around us to decorate up the places where we play, we made leaf boquets, we tossed the leaves like lovely rain to play in, and some of us really got into the puddles! 🍁

"In some Native languages, the term for plants translates to 'those who take care of us'." - Robin Wall Kimmerer

Story: The First Blade of Sweetgrass is an 'Own Voice' Indigenous picture book story about Musquon who learns to distinguish sweetgrass from other grasses when going with her Grandmother for the first time to harvest sweetgrass for basket making. She learns that her ancestors have done this for centuries and she's careful to leave the first blade she sees for future generations.

Breathing it all in
We all listened to the stories, moved our bodies like sweetgrass dancing in the breeze that 'let go' with just a light pull when it was harvest time. We learned to be careful to leave the first blade of sweetgrass. We smelled braided sweetgrass from the Learning Garden because this is such a sweet grass! We are learning so many new things! We even found the new cranberry bushes that were recently planted - we are going to watch them grow at Wilkinson as we grow up over the years here too!

"Art takes nature as its model." - Aristotle

Looking around the Learning Garden we noticed that the flowers in the photo had changed - in their place what looked like dead plants! To our surprise, we were able to harvest it's tuber! It was pretty exciting...
Link here for some more info:

Artistic Knowledge and Natural Beauty!
Since we have become better acquainted with the Learning Garden plants, we decided we wanted a creative way to show what we know through some nature art we made! We made use of the beautiful colours in the Learning Garden to be creative. Some made art with the colours from the plants we've met; some made a representation of the plants to teach with; others did a blend of both or something entirely of their own creation! What they all had in common is how lovely they are! I tweeted about it this Learning Garden creativity on "X" here

"Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning." - Fred Rogers

Alphabet Hop
We spent some time on this sunny day practicing a few letters - focussing on what our mouths look like when we make them, learning sign language for a word that starts with that letter (i.e. fish for /f/, itchy for /i/), and making the letters with our fingers in the dirt! Equipped with our knowledge, we did the alphabet hop! Ms. Kathleen would say a sound or a letter and we would hop to it! Fun learning in the sun!

"Nature is not just a place to visit. It is home." - Gary Snyder

Story: Shi-shi-etko is a story about a young girl who leaves for residential school in 4 days and takes us on her journey as she counts the days down. Shi-shi-etko means she loves to play in the water .In the story, we see how she connects with her family who share valuable teachings with her and how she treasures the beauty of her world which she gathers bits of to remember while she is gone away. The illustrations let us know that it is the fall and we relate to the beauty around her while we look around our own school yard. I tweeted about it on "X" here

Learning Garden Plants
We were inspired by how Shi-shi-etko wanted to know the plants that were in her familiar space. Some visits we found colours that match our clothes and Ms. Kathleen gave out boards with a photo on it and we set out to find them in Wilkinson's Learning Garden! Like Shi-shi-etko, we also wanted to know: are these plants used for medicine? Can they be food? We also learned some interesting facts about the plants here in the Learning Garden. Over a few visits, we did all sorts of things including making a reference card of some of the plants we know for our classroom! Ask your child, they just might impress you with their plant knowledge!

"It is in the still silence of nature where one will find true bliss." - unknown

A little shrew had wonderful news - he wanted to tell the whole world, but it was too noisy! No one could hear him because they were busy making noise! This story is a beautiful plea for peace in a way that reminds us that we can make a difference by being present. Maybe, just maybe, if everyone, for just a moment, counted to three and listened, we would hear him share how to have peace on earth. Shhhh!

Creating Our Peace in the Learning Garden
This book is perfect for us budding nature lovers! We took some time to really look at the Learning Garden. Being the great guests that we are, we said thank you for visiting this place and were sure to treat it well: leave nothing behind, take nothing with us, be gentle, and curious! Along the way we sniffed a sunflower, found a cicada, and lounged beneath the leafy canopy!