Science Pathways

Standard Science Pathway

  • For gr 11, choose from 4 science courses

    • Biology

    • Chemistry

    • Physics

    • Environmental Science

    • Earth and Space (gr 12 course)

  • Students cannot take 4 science courses in a year, instead please investigate other areas of study (languages, arts, social sciences, etc...)

  • A minimum mark of 70% in the required and recommended preparation courses is strongly recommended.

A 5 year pathway

  • This pathway demonstrates how all the math & sciences courses intertwine with each other.

  • If a student is thinking about 5 years, it is recommended that courses further on the left are taken before courses on the right to maximize their understanding (and marks).

  • Students often opt for 5 years because they wish a more varied curriculum or a lighter course load (perhaps due to high extracurricular involvement).

  • Please talk (email) your guidance counsellor, science teacher or Mr. Kinoshita or Mr. Roche for more information