NTCI Science Department

Science Teachers: (2023-2024)

Biology Department

Chemistry Department

Physics Department

General Science

Science Courses Offered at North Toronto

Please consider the following science course pathways: (right click and open image in a new tab or save)

Science Courses at NTCI: 


What you need for Science Courses at NT:

Safety in Science

Handwashing Videos

Here are a number of hand-washing videos (perfect for the grade 10 Biology unit)

Science Opportunities

For 2022-2023, we are unsure which will be offered...

There are many special programs and opportunities available to students each year:

Science Contests: (if you don't hear about them - just ask...)

Logger Pro Software:

The North Toronto Science department has a full site license for Logger Pro ver.3.x which includes student home use.

Textbook Resources 

Nelson Customer Support Phone: (416) 752-9448; 1-800-268-2222

Science Skill Expectations

The following chart outlines the science skills we expect students to be using in that grade.

Science Skills at NTCI

Google Classroom

The Google Education Suite has a number of useful applications which work together:

By using the Chrome browser and your TDSB email address, you have access to the suite, including: