Info for Incoming Grade 8 Students

Moderns & Classical Languages - For Grade 8s.pdf

Click to the left to view the slideshow!

International Languages in Grade 9

Latin, Spanish & ASL

LVLBD1 - Level 1 Latin

LWSBD1 - Level 1 Spanish

LASBO1 - Level 1 ASL (American Sign Language)

**Students who have previously studied these languages or who are native speakers should contact Lori-Ann Moulton, Assistant Curriculum Leader of Modern Languages and Latin, at to discuss placement.

French Options for Grade 9

To choose the right French course for you:


Placement in French from Grade 8

FSF1D1 - Grade 9 Academic French

FSF1D6 - Grade 9 Gifted French 

FSF1O1 - Grade 9 Introduction to French (Beginner's French)

FSF2D1 - Grade 10 Academic French

Post French Immersion & Extended French

Grade 8 students who have participated in French Immersion until the end of Grade 6 (or later) or Extended French until the end of Grade 8, and have achieved at the provincial standard/ level 3/ 70% or higher, may proceed directly to Grade 10 French. These students may select the course code FSF2D1 on their course selection sheets. Your middle school approval signature is required to indicate that you have met one of these thresholds.

Students from a Francophone household or a Francophone school

Grade 8 students from a Francophone household or who attended a Francophone school should contact Lori-Ann Moulton, Assistant Curriculum Leader of Modern Languages and Latin, at to discuss placement.

Questions about placement

If you have any questions related to placement, please contact Lori-Ann Moulton, Assistant Curriculum Leader of Modern Languages and Latin, at