our philosophy


Here at NSS, we provide a comprehensive and competitive athletic program that emphasizes the importance of being a STUDENT first and foremost. We believe athletics provides real-life learning of transferable skills like teamwork, perseverance, routine, and self-care. Our programs focus on equity, commitment, teamwork and personal growth. Red Knight athletes strive for excellence in the classroom and in their sport. They compete with grace and school pride, regardless of outcome.

TDSB Athlete code of conduct

It is expected that all student athletes will:

i. Compete for the enjoyment of the game and the pursuit of individual, as well as team excellence

ii. Strive to understand, respect, and follow the rules of the game at all times

iii. Demonstrate good sportsmanship and fair play

iv. Conduct themselves with honour, dignity, and self-control

v. Appreciate the efforts of their teammates and opponents

vi. Be generous in victory and gracious in defeat

vii. Show respect for the authority and decisions of coaches, staff, and officials

viii. Respect all athletic facilities and property

ix. Respect the rights of opponents, teammates, and spectators on both sides

x. Refrain from the use of profanity, taunting, threatening actions, and violence at all times

xi. Report all suspected concussions to their coach/ staff advisor

xii. Behave in accordance with all TDSB policies

spectators code of conduct

It is expected that all spectators will:

  • Cheer in a positive manner

  • Respect the decisions of the officials

  • Respect the athletic facilities and property

  • Respect the authority of the TDSB staff members who are supervising games

  • Be courteous and respectful to fellow spectators

  • Not interfere with the game in any manner

  • Refrain from the use of un-sportsmanlike distractive behaviour, profanity, taunting, threatening actions, or violence

  • Behave in accordance with all TDSB policies