Want to make difference in your school community? 

Join MGCI Student Activity Council for the 2024/2025 School Year! 


Thursday, May 30


2024-2025 MGCI SAC Selections Information

Please view the document above for details, and reach out to Arsal Farook or Andy Sun if you have any questions or concerns.


President (any Grade)

Vice President (any Grade)

Grad & Special Events Coordinator (current Grade 11 students only)

Senior Social Convenor (current Grade 10 & 11's only)

Senior Spirit Convenor (current Grade 10 & 11's only)

Senior Clubs Coordinator (current Grade 10 and 11's only; voted by club leaders)

Interested in an elected position on SAC? There is no SAC experience required for any positions on SAC. All applicants welcome!

The deadline to apply for an elected position is Friday, May 10th, 2024 at 11:59PM


Senior Social Justice & Equity (current Grade 10 & 11's only)

Senior Communications (current Grade 10 & 11's only)

Chairperson (any Grade)

Secretary (any Grade)

Treasurer (any Grade)

 External Affairs (any Grade)

Interested in a selected position on SAC?  There is no SAC experience required for any positions on SAC. You may apply for up to 3 selected positions. You may apply for both elected and selected positions. All applicants welcome!

The deadline to apply for a selected position is Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 11:59PM


In this application form you will be asked to provide character statements about why you want to join SAC, your vision, and past experiences. All applicants will be vetted before approved for elections

You will also need to confirm that you have met academic expectations, have had a teacher submit a referral form, and you must confirm that you are able to attend weekly SAC meetings

DEADLINE: Friday, May 10th, 2023 at 11:59PM

In this application form, you will be asked to answer some general applicant information, as well as individual prompts for each role, where you may be asked to complete a task to demonstrate your skills.

You will also need to confirm that you have met academic expectations, have had a teacher submit a referral form, and you must confirm that you are able to attend weekly SAC meetings. 

DEADLINE: Sunday, May 26 2024 at 11:59PM

Please have a teacher complete this form. Send a link to this form to the teacher who you have asked to be your referrals.
