
Councils & School Support

Arts Council


Staff Advisor: Mr. Olwyn; rory.olwyn@tdsb.on.ca 

Student Leaders: Sophie Evans, Miruna Plesea, Olivia Bell . Posey Thompson, Addy Lemon, Chase Delgado, Sadie Shimmon 

Meeting Info: Mondays at lunch in the Auditorium 

Drama council is a group of students dedicated to creating equal opportunities in the drama program for all students, regardless of their differences. Drama council promises to be an inclusive space for expression through the performing arts, allowing students to explore acting, directing, technical skills, and will provide plenty of new opportunities for leadership in the Malvern community. Our goal is not only to establish a lasting presence for the drama program here at Malvern, but to grow our program into one that can host community outreach initiatives, collaborate with other councils and school organizations, and encourage students of all ages and identities to become role models for their peers.


Music council organizes events to promote music within the school and also helps organize concerts and events.

Staff Advisor: Ms. Norris; Laura.Norris@tdsb.on.ca 

Student Leaders: Win McEnroe and Camden Scott 

Meeting Info:  Friday's at Lunch, Room 302; @mcimusic

Meets all year; Applications/Exec positions selected in May/June for the following year.

Conseil Francais

Staff Advisors

Student Leader

Meeting Info: Wednesdays in Room 306

Instagram: mci.conseilfrancais 

Students supporting the French programs and promoting the French language and culture 

MGSA - Malvern Gender & Sexuality Alliance

Staff Advisors: Ms. Cowper; ruthie.cowperszamozi@tdsb.on.ca

Student Leaders: 

Meeting Info: Wednesdays at lunch in Portable 2

A fun and supportive environment, where everyone is welcome in this positive space for 2SLGBTQ+ students and allies. New members can join anytime!

Instagram: @malverngsa

MSAA - Malvern Student Athletics Association 

A leadership group that run intramurals or special athletic events for Malvern students. 

Staff Advisors: Mr. Livingstone; carter.livingstone@tdsb.on.ca; Ms. Tsukada; anne.tsukada@tdsb.on.ca 

Student Leaders: Presidents; Intramural Directors:

Meeting Info:  Monday's at Lunch, Room B102

Application required for executive positions.


MUCC (Malvern United Cultural Council)

Staff Advisor: Ms. Graham; nalini.graham@tdsb.on.ca 

Student Leaders: Ugo Njoku and Sophie Keogh 

Meeting Info: Tuesdays at lunch room 308

Students meet to discuss aspects of different ethnicities and cultures and ways that we can make others aware of these cultures to foster an appreciation of the diversity of Malvern

Instagram: @malvern.ucc 

Peer Leaders

Staff Advisors: Ms. Bugelli; karyn.bugelli@tdsb.on.ca 

Student Leaders: Sara Lalani, Maya Thomas-Breidler, Sophie Tran

Follow us on Instagram @mci_peerleaders

If you have any questions about Peer Leaders, please see Ms. Bugelli  in Guidance. Applications for new Peer Leaders in June for the following year. 

SAC - Student Activity Council  

Staff Advisor: Sylwia Mynarska

President:  Vice-President

Social Convenors: 

External Affairs Officer:  

Treasurer:  Secretary:  

Grade 12 Rep:   Grade 11 Rep:   Grade 10 Rep:  

Grade 9 Rep(s): TBA

Meeting Info:  Tuesday's at lunch in Room 304

Student Activity Council is made up of elected students representing various grades around the school. We are responsible for running various school wide events and fundraisers as well as promote school spirit. SAC members also work closely and assist with other Malvern council initiatives throughout the school year. Elections are held in May (for the following school year), and September (for incoming grade 9 Reps). 

Instagram: @malvernsac


Staff Advisor: Ms. Koumarelas; Ethel.koumarelas@tdsb.on.ca

Student Leaders: 

Meeting Info: Wednesdays in Room 214

Interviews to be a part of Yearbook happen at the beginning of the year. $30 to purchase a yearbook. Instagram: @malvernyearbook