Cells - 8

Explore and view the following links on cells:

Quiz link. Do not use arrow keys to go up and down!

Cell City

Choose an analogy  to represent the function of a plant or animal Cell in a "Cell City"! Repesent at least 7 cell parts in your model.

STEP 1: Create a short proposal about how you will visualize how the organelles of a cell work together to function like a city in your model. Share this document with Ms. Sumnauth and myself in Google Classroom.

STEP 2:  Once your proposal is approved, design your city and create clear labels for organelles

STEP 3: Create a document explaining your cell city. Share your document with Ms. Sumnauth and myself in Google Classroom.

3D Model

Tinkercad Cell Design Project

Welcome to the powerful world of 3D Design! In this project you will become familiar with the 3D design space and the tools you can use to create real 3D printed objects. 

STEP 1: Join Tinkercad using your google account

STEP 2: Click on "Learn" and complete the first seven tutorials. 

STEP 4: Choose an organelle of a cell and create it in tinkercad. Your design must be no larger than 250cm cubed. You must also submit a google doc paragraph outlining the importance and function of the organelle. Share the model with me by Clicking Export everything in the design and .OBJ (see pictures Below)