2-part event:

Parents for diversity

To continue with the #BetterTogether series, Mante Molepo and Alison Kinahan, from Parents for Diversity, will be facilitating 2 interactive 1-hour webinars for the George Webster community.

The webinars will be focused on building parent capacity in terms of understanding everyday prejudice, bias and stereotypes in school, and supporting children at home through these conversations. Session content will also include: using books and literature to help children build empathy towards others; encouraging children to find their own voices to speak out against hate and providing strategies for parents to approach school staff and administration when incidents of bias, prejudice and stereotypes occur.

Wednesday May 11 & May 25, 2022
7:30 pm

Recommended resources

We all hold power and privilege in different, sometimes intersecting ways. Please explore these resources to learn more about what privileges you have (and don't have) and their impacts.

The Unequal Race Opportunity

Short film for the African American Policy Forum, showing metaphors for obstacles to equality which affirmative action tries to alleviate. All graphics and animation by Erica Pinto. For more information, visit:


Wheel of Power/Privilege

Source: https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/52352.html

Here are a few examples of identity and social position variables and dimensions, as well as processes of oppression, discrimination, privilege, and power that can be included in intersectional analyses. These examples are based on a Canadian context. What constitutes a position of power may play out differently at different intersections, and in different contexts, as will the variables and dimensions that you choose to include in your research.

KICK OFF EVENT - Jeff A.D martin

Don't miss this kick-off event! A 90 minute interactive virtual workshop, focused on building a better George Webster together! Jeff A. D. Martin is the #1 speaker in schools in Canada for equity, diversity, and inclusion.

To find out more about Jeff : JeffADMartin.com | His Press Kit

Tuesday, March 29, 2022 - 6:30-8:00 pm
CLICK HERE to view recording!

Recommended videos to watch in advance of Jeff's workshop

Through beautiful illustration and storytelling, they help us to see what can happen when we make assumptions about people. Both videos are suitable (and encouraged!) to watch with young children.

Chimamamda Adichie's Ted Talk, The Danger of a Single Story

Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice -- and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.


  1. type "F" on the computer, or

  2. click on the square in the corner of the video

Milo Imagines the World by Matt de la Peña

Available through the Toronto Public Library and LibbyApp)

Milo is on a long subway ride with his older sister. To pass the time, he studies the faces around him and makes pictures of their lives. There's the whiskered man with the crossword puzzle; Milo imagines him playing solitaire in a cluttered apartment full of pets. And then there's the boy in the suit with the bright white sneakers; Milo imagines him arriving home to a castle with a drawbridge and a butler. But when the boy in the suit gets off on the same stop as Milo--walking the same path, going to the exact same place--Milo realizes that you can't really know anyone just by looking at them.