Resources to Support Students at Home

How can I help?

In all of TDSB French programs (Core French, Extended or Immersion), there is no need or expectation for families, guardians and/or caregivers to speak French. You can support their child at home in much the same way you, would in the English program.  For example:

Extending the Learning in French

Asynchronous learning is student-centered and relies on the use of online learning resources to facilitate sharing in various flexible time periods and location constraints. 

The TDSB French Department has created Choice Boards to offer resources and learning activities for students in Core French, French Immersion and Extended French. The activities are organized by program/grade level and are meant to be completed independently and at each child’s own pace. While family members, guardians and caregivers can assist the child with these activities, these activities have been designed to allow students to complete the work independently. These learning activities are connected to the Ontario FSL curriculum and integrate a variety of available and accessible resources in French which help students develop their skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in French.

Online Tools for French Language Learning

Students in the TDSB have free access to a variety of digital tools to support their learning in French and in English. Students can access all of these tools anywhere where there is an internet connection by using their TDSB account.

Other TDSB Resources

Other Helpful Resources

Online dictionaries