SHSM Infographic.pdf
ECI SHSM Application Package 2019.docx


Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM) are Ministry approved programs in an area of specialization.  These ministry identified sectors support the success of all students, regardless of destination. Every SHSM must include the following five components: 


1.  A package of 8-10 required credits (earned in Grade 11 and 12 courses) that constitute a pathway to one of four possible destinations: apprenticeship training, college, university, or the workplace andincluding completion of Contextualized Learning Activities (CLAs).

The package must include:

2.  Sector recognized certifications and or training courses.  

3.  Experiential learning through job shadowing, work experience, and a minimum of 2 credits earned through cooperative education.


4.  Use of the Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) to document demonstration of essential skills and work habits required in the sector of choice. The OSP is completed through the co-op placement.


5.  "Reach ahead" opportunities, which allow students to experience learning in their intended post-secondary destination and which can range from a day of attendance at a college, a university, a workplace experience or to the completion of a dual credit.



1.     How do I register for a SHSM?  Take this package home today and discuss this unique option with your guardians.  Read over the requirements, make a plan for future courses, and if you think this SPORTS SHSM is suitable and that you can commit, hand in your completed package to Mrs. Oxley in the guidance office. 


2.     How much will it cost me to be a part of one of the Specialist High Skills Majors?  

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  All students registered as SHSM students are funded by the Ministry of Education.  ALL CERTIFICATIONS ARE FREE.  ALL TRAINING IS FREE. ALL FIELD TRIPS ARE FREE.


3.     What is a CLA?  A CLA is a Contextualized Learning Activity.  In addition to the four major credits, each SHSM student takes three other required credits from the Ontario curriculum. For each of these credits, the teachers of these courses incorporate a minimum of six hours of learning that contextualizes the subjects’ curriculum expectations to their SHSM sector.  This benefits the student because curriculum expectations are met through sector-specific content, thus making the course content authentic, relevant, and enable students to connect their learning to their SHSM.  THIS IS NOT EXTRA WORK – IT’S EMBEDDED IN THE MINISTRY CURRICULUM.


4.     What is a SPCE?A Sector Partner Contextualized Experience are where students work directly with industry partners to solve an industry problem that they are facing real time.


5.     Can I register to be a SHSM student even if I am doubtful that I will complete all the required components?  Yes, if you are interested in a possible career related to a SHSM sector, you can register for that SHSM. As dictated by the Ministry, should you not register for a coop placement over the two years of the SHSM program, you will be removed from the programleading into grade 12. Although you will not graduate with the Red Seal, you will receive a summary of all your completed SHSM components when you graduate.


6.     Will earning a SHSM help me get into university? SHSM offers a variety of courses within each destination pathway including the University stream. At this point, universities do not solely consider the SHSM for admissions.BUT...the SHSM does provide a definite advantage for students going on to post-secondary studies when a profile is required as part of the admission process. Further, many post-secondary destinations now offer scholarships, bursaries or incentives related to SHSM Red Seals.  The SHSM qualification and associated training and certifications provide a distinct advantage to students when applying for summer employment or co-op placements. These qualifications add to a student's portfolio and professional resume when going through job interviews.


7.     I am a university-bound student with prescribed prerequisites. How can I fit a Co-op course into my timetable?The skills, experiences and mentorship associated with Co-op placements are beneficial for all students and pathways. However, with the prerequisite expectations associated with the University pathway, co-op can be  a timetabling challenge.The TDSB currentlyoffers 2 credit summer school co-op strictly for SHSM students as well as several other options. Contact a guidance councillor for more alternatives.  


** If you have any further specific questions please do not hesitate 

to contact a Physical Education teacher or a Guidance Councillor **