Creativity in Isolation;

a collection by Bloor CI


This website has been created in an effort to share artwork and creativity by Bloor CI students during remote learning. We hope that this gallery of Music, Visual Art, Digital Art, Drama, and Photography will also inspire others to imagine, build, and share their "art" as a way to connect with others during a time when it is most difficult.

PLEASE NOTE - Some videos may suggest that you download them! This is not necessary. Simply click the arrow in the top right corner to open the link. Thank you.

Spotlight of the Week

Postcards from Home

A short film by Camile Kinsella


Welcome to Phase 1

We were thrilled with the number of submissions received over the last few weeks from Bloor students and staff! In an effort to keep this website fresh and ever changing, we will be updating the website periodically with new content.

How to share your own artwork

To have your creations shared on the "Creativity in Isolation" Website, submit your piece to the google drive link below. Place the file in the designated folder that applies to your work.