
In the beginning...

After a few weeks in isolation, as Ms. Pigott began to experience cabin fever and missed the artistic inspiration of her students, an idea was born.

As a way to continue the momentum and creativity of Bloor Students' artistic endeavors, Ms. Pigott knew how much we needed a space to share.

The result is this website - a collection by Bloor's students and staff. We hope that scrolling through the site will provide our guests with a sense of community and connection during our time apart.

Who we are

Here are the wonderful Arts staff at Bloor who initiated this project.

Thanks also go out to the rest of the Bloor CI staff for their contributions and support.

Gabrielle Gillespie

Digital Art / Photography

Angela Gulia

Visual Art

Lena Hall


David Lush


Joel McNaughton


Jane Palmer


Mary Pigott

Visual Art

Edward Wright

Music and History