An IEP is a Individual Education Plan for your child.  It is a legal document that outlines how best to support your child´s learning needs in the classroom.  It must be followed by the school to ensure that your child is receiving the appropriate supports for them to be successful.

Absolutely not.  In fact, many special education students can excel academically with the proper supports in place that suit their learning needs.  An IEP allows them to do just that and can continue to assist them in their post-secondary studies.

The first step is to continue to have open conversations with your child´s teachers, as well as the Special Education teacher, who are always happy to help.  If changes need to be made to your child´s IEP, the Special Education teacher can ensure that they are made after needed input from parents, the student and possibly the school team.  Parental input helps to develop and refine your child´s IEP goals so they are realistic but still ambitious.  

The Resource room/RSE room is designated to support students with and IEP.  The assigned RSE teacher is able to assist smaller groups of students with course work as well as provide them with a quiet space to complete work and evaluations.

The RSE room 208 is located across the attendance office on the second floor of our school.  Only students with an IEP can access it during Blocks B and D.  They should always receive permision from their class teacher prior to visiting the RSE room.

Advocating on behalf or your child is always welcome and at times needed.  All teachers should be following the accommodations set out in your child´s IEP. If this is not occurring, contact the teacher to remind them that your child requires accommodations as set out in the IEP.  Usually this should be enough to clear up any concerns.  If further actions are needed, the Special Education ACL should be contacted and get involved to support both the student and the teacher to ensure your childs IEP is being followed.

Special Education ACL Contact Info:

Georgia Tsipas -

No.  Although some students have gone through a psychological educational assessment that determines they have a learning exceptionality, others may recieve an informal IEP if they require further learning supports.  The IEP is updated every year and can be eliminated if it is no longer needed.  This needs to be discussed further with your child´s Special Education teacher.

The most important thing is to understand your child´s learnring needs to be able to support them academically and emotionally.  The special education system was designed to help kids who couldn’t acquire academic achievement on their own without help. These services help children bridge the educational equity gap, feel good about themselves, and get excited about learning.

Grade 9 students without a SEA claim computer are encouraged to put in a request for a 1:1 device to use throughout high school and return it to the office at that time.  Families are to complete the necessary TDSB forms, if you need more information contact the main office @ 416-393-0140. 

 Students with an IEP can also access computers in the RSE/Resource room as well as in their GLE classrooms.  These computers are not allowed to be signed out of these designated areas.