Policing Black Lives

Link to Sora eBook / audiobook

"An in-depth non-fiction book that depicts Black experiences in Canada from slavery to modern day BLM movements. A lot of information that we are exposed to surrounding BLM and black history is American... I think with a large Canadian student population, it is a great education piece that is very important in this moment."
~ Gr. 12 student

Note that this is a mature book in terms of content and writing style.

Delving behind Canada's veneer of multiculturalism and tolerance, Policing Black Lives traces the violent realities of anti-blackness from the slave ships to prisons, classrooms and beyond. Robyn Maynard provides readers with the first comprehensive account of nearly four hundred years of state-sanctioned surveillance, criminalization and punishment of Black lives in Canada. While highlighting the ubiquity of Black resistance, Policing Black Lives traces the still-living legacy of slavery across multiple institutions, shedding light on the state's role in perpetuating contemporary Black poverty and unemployment, racial profiling, law enforcement violence, incarceration, immigration detention, deportation, exploitative migrant labour practices, disproportionate child removal and low graduation rates. Emerging from a critical race feminist framework that insists that all Black lives matter, Maynard's intersectional approach to anti-Black racism addresses the unique and understudied impacts of state violence as it is experienced by Black women, Black people with disabilities, as well as queer, trans, and undocumented Black communities.
(from goodreads.com)