Classroom Information & More

Please reference the Parent Handbook here

On Campus Reminders


· Tuesday Notice sent out by the office each Tuesday afternoon. Please take care to read the Tuesday Notice even if it is a brief look. There are always important dates and items to note. 

· Homework Folders will be sent home when we have homework or other information to be sent home. Homework should return the next day in the HW folder. We will have 2 HW assignments per week with a 5-day reading log as well. 

· FYI- Teachers have a staff meeting at 3:15PM on Tuesday afternoons

·  School Phone (858)-576-2120

·  TCPS website

· If there are siblings at TCPS, printed materials will be distributed to the oldest sibling

Covid-19 Procedures

Any pre-existing and/or chronic conditions that may show as a symptom of COVID-19 must now be identified in advance with a doctor's form. If you have submitted any documentation regarding a chronic illness last year, that form is still valid for this year. If applicable, there is a link to the form in the Tuesday Notice OR I can email or print for you. Please bring this form to your child's doctor to complete and then submit to the main office. We will not be able to exempt any students with symptoms without this new form provided in advance. 

Drop Of/ Pick Up/ General Information

TCPS Parking Information

Problem Solving

If a problem arises with a student or students, we will talk about it, see what went wrong, and discuss how we can solve our problems successfully. You may not hear from me the first couple of weeks. This is because I am working it out with your child on what we can do differently. If needed, I will contact you for help. Emails or a conversation may happen if a situation needs attention. 

Birthday Celebrations