Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. Cultural Foundations of Education

School of Education, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY


Dissertation title: Reflexing at the Nexus of Self and Society: The Identities of People with Disabilities Rendered through Life History and Memoir

C.A.S. Disabilities Studies

School of Education, Syracuse University, Syracuse NY


M.S. Secondary Education of Students who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing, Transition to adulthood

National Technical Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY


Master's Thesis: The Portrayal of Deaf People in Film and Television and its Potential Effect on the Successful Transition of Deaf Adolescents into Adult Life.

Advisors: Harry Lang, Gerald Bateman, Susan Foster

B.S. Family and Consumer Sciences Education

Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA


B.S. Fashion Design

Philadelphia University, Philadelphia, PA

1995-1997 (No degree)

Teaching and Professional Activities

Assistant Professor, The College of New Jersey

Deaf Education and Deaf Studies

August 2016-Present

Undergraduate Courses instructed: American Sign Language II & III, Honors American Sign Language I and III, Deaf Educational Methods I & II, Freshman Seminar Program.

Graduate Courses instructed: Deaf Education Internship and Comprehensive Exam

EdTPA Evaluator, Pearson, Amherst, MA

May 2018-Present

Adjunct Professor, Syracuse University

March 2015-Present

Courses instructed: Deafhood and Disability and Summer Start-First Year Experience Program

Adjunct Professor Oondaga Community College

June 2015-May 2016

Introduction to American Sign Language 101

Teaching Assistant, Syracuse University, NY

January 2014-May 2016

DSP 200 Introduction to Disabilities Studies

Syracuse University Parent Advocacy Center

April 2014-January 2015

IEP consultation, Resource development, parent outreach, and research

United States Army Infantry, Rank-Specialist



Level I New York: Teacher of the Deaf and Hard-of Hearing K-12

Level I New York: Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher K-12

Qualified 2012

Level I Pennsylvania: Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher K-12

July, 2010

Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI)- Superior-Superior Plus, NTID 2012

Refereed Publications

Vroman, K., Singer, S. (In press). Emancipatory research methodologies: Fulfilling their promises? Journal article.

Singer, S. (In press). “It’s like growing an identity in a barren field:” Continuing the conversation about 21st century Deaf identities. SOJO Journal

Singer, S. (2018). Conducting research with students using their second language: An ethical quandary. [Abstract]. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 17(1),1.

Singer, S., Vroman (2018). A new model of educating Deaf students in D. Ford (Ed.) Key Words in Radical Education. Koninklijke Brill Publishers, Amsterdam.

Singer, S. (2018). A Social ecological and social constructionist research methodology. The Italian Journal of Disability Studies.

Singer, S. (2017). Twenty years claiming my Self aloud. In D. Rhyskamp (Ed.) Spoon Knife II: Test chamber. Autonomous Press, Chicago.

Singer, S. (2016). Transforming transformative disability experiential learning. Issues in Teacher Education 26(2)

Singer, S. (2015). Come and go what may. Salt Hill Journal. (34)

Refereed Presentations

Singer, S. (2018). Doing research with students using their second language. Methodological paper presented at Qualitative Methods conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada

Singer, S. (2018). Claiming culturally Deaf identities in adulthood. Research finding presented at Eastern Sociological Society conference, Baltimore, MD.

Singer, S. (2017). From life skills to FACS for all. Workshop given at Pennsylvania Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Conference, State College, PA

Singer, S, & Vroman, K (2017). Emancipatory research methodologies: Fulfilling their promises? Methodological paper presentation at Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference, Las Vegas, NV

Singer, S. (2016). The Shifting Meaning of Disability in Romantic Relationships. Research Findings present at Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference, Las Vegas, NV

Singer, S. (2015). Feeling the Margins. Invited Paper Presentation at Writing In-Between, Living In-Between, Syracuse, NY.

Singer, S., Fialka-Feldman, M. (2014). Recognizing Value in Diverse Scholarly Writing: Questioning the Status Quo. Paper Presentation. Equity and Social Justice, Syracuse, NY.

Singer, S., Stinson, M., Foster, S. (2014). Finding Strategies and Technologies to Facilitate Cooperative Learning in Groups with Deaf/Hard of Hearing and Hearing Students. Research findings presented at Eastern Sociological Society, Baltimore, MD.

Ingraham, C., Dacher, J., Singer, S (2014). Minding the Gap: The Textually Mediated Experience of Institutional Accessibility--Building an Institutional Ethnographic Research Model. Paper Presentation. Eastern Sociological Society, Baltimore, MD.

Singer, S (2014). Social Issues around Cochlear Implants. Panel Discussant. Eastern Sociological Society, Baltimore, MD.

Singer, S (2013). A Self-Determination Model of Academic Accommodations. Paper Presentation at TASH, Chicago, NY

Singer, S. (2013). The Representation of Normative Societal Concepts in American Sign Language. Paper Presentation at Society for Disability Studies Conference, Orlando, Florida & Critical Junctures, Atlanta, GA

Singer, S. (2012).The Portrayal of Deaf People in Film and Television and its Potential Effect on the Successful Transition of Deaf Adolescents into Adult Life.Research findings presented at American Education Studies Association Conference, Baltimore, MD & Educational Support Service Personnel Conference, Rochester, NY.

Invited talks

Singer, S (2018) Ableism in the academy. Bonner Institute, The College of New Jersey.

Singer, S (2018). Exploring Deafhood. Towson University

Singer, S (2017). From medical to mine: Claiming identity. Trenton, NJ

Singer, S (2016). Introduction to Deaf Culture, Junior New Jersey Education Association, Rider University.

Singer, S (2016). ASL for secondary education. Hamilton Middle School, NJ

Singer, S (2016). Developing an ASL curriculum for elementary school programs. Hamilton Elementary School , NJ

Singer, S (2016). Disability Monologue. Lecture. Ewing, NJ.

Singer, S. (2015). Processing Acts of Criptology. Workshop. Cripping the Comic Con, Syracuse, NY.

Singer, S. (2015). A Place at the Table. Lecture Series. Syracuse, NY

Singer, S. (2011).The Diverse Deaf Consumer. Presentation. Registered Interpreters for the Deaf Northeast Regional Conference, Rochester, NY.

Journal Positions

Critical Education, Special Issue Editor 2018-Present: Ableism in the academy: A series about disability oppression and resistance in higher education

Issues in Teacher Education, Reviewer 2014-Present

Critical Education, Reviewer 2013-Present

The SoJo Journal: Educational Foundations and Social Justice Education, Reviewer 2013-Present

Grants and Awards

Petroff, J., Panscofar, N., Vroman, K., Singer, S. (unfunded). The New Jersey Wellness MAPS Project. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Community Living, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research: HHS-2017-ACL-NIDILRR-IFDV-019

TCNJ Support of Scholarly Activity Grant 2017-2019

This two year competitive grant provides course load reduction for two years. Faculty who are funded are expected to produce scholarly outcomes beyond those expected of typical faculty.

TCNJ Professional Development Grant 2016-2017 and 2017-2018

Grant to investigate and implement better methods to teach ASL at The College of New Jersey. 2016. Grant funded to develop training for itinerant teaching of the Deaf for the Education of the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing graduate program 2017.

Syracuse University Graduate School Fellowship

August 2012-2016

Hermera Foundation Reflection Fellowship

Incorporation of meditative philosophies and practices in the educational setting, November, 2015

Syracuse University Faculty Excellence Award

Award granted for pedagogical practices, 2015

Joan N. Burstyn Grant for Collaborative Research in Education

Minding the Gap: The Textually Mediated Experience of Institutional Accessibility

Grant written collaboratively March, 2014

Rochester Institute of Technology College Delegate

May 2012

Rochester Institute of Technology Outstanding Graduate Scholar Award

May 2012

Indiana University of Pennsylvania Outstanding Achievement Award

May 2010


National American Sign Language Honors Society Membership Chair (ASL Teacher’s Association)

Summer 2018-Present

National American Sign Language Honors Society Board Member (ASL Teacher’s Association)

Fall 2017 – Present

The College of New Jersey Faculty Student Collaboration School of Education Committee

Fall 2018- Present

The College of New Jersey Diversity Council

Spring 2017-Present

Deaf and Hearing Connection Advisor

Fall 2016-Present

ASL Honors Society Chapter Head

Fall 2016-Present

TCNJ Outdoors Club Advisor

Fall 2016-Present

New Jersey Consortium of DeafBlind

Fall 2016-Present

Special Education Language and Literacy Diversity Task Force

Spring 2017-present.

Special Education Language and Literacy Council for Accreditation for Educator Preparation. Spring 2017- present

Honors and Scholars Programming Council

Fall 2016-Spring 2017

Organizational Affiliations

American Sign Language Teachers Association

American Sign Language Honors Society

American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

Pennsylvania Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

Society for Disabilities Studies

Council for Undergraduate Research