
We’ve all experienced periods of stress when things just don’t go our way or when things seem too difficult to manage. Stress can cause us to lose our sense of humor and our patience. The good news is that these stressful periods never last. We just need to do what we can to get through them until the good times come again!

1.) Talk to your classmates. Answer the questions:

A.) What are some common sources of stress in your lives?

B.) How can you tell someone is stressed out?

C.) How can you help someone who is feeling stress?

D.) What do you do when you feel stressed out?

2.) Please read the letter. The woman who wrote the letter is asking for advice. Advice means, "help".

Dear Abby

Idiom: at their wit's end

If someone is at their wits’ end, they are so worried and tired because of their problems that they cannot think of any more ways of solving them.

Idiom: drowning in

If someone is drowning in something, they have too much of something bad or stressful, such as work, and are feeling stressed about it.

3.) Read the letter again. Look at the different ways we use the word "stress". What part of speech is each form of "stress"? Write the answer on paper. Then, look at the answers below.


...with a lot of stress- noun with the stresses- plural noun

...she has also been stressing over- verb (phrasal verb) is also stressing out- verb (phrasal verb)

...under a lot of stress- noun

...tired and stressed- adjective

...being together is a stressful experience- adjective

I've stressed to them- adjective (This one is a little bit different. It means, something like, "I really told them that this was important)

...we become stress-free- adjective

I feel so distressed- adjective

4.) Read this article about laughter and stress.

Read it two times with no phone or translator.

After that, you can read it again with your phone.

Laughter is the best medicine

Here are some videos that always make me laugh!