Ontario Colleges

Application Due February 1, 2022

Ontario Colleges and their locations

Start your college program research at: OntarioColleges.ca

how to apply to college in ontario.docx

This is how it works:

  1. Log onto ontariocolleges.ca and create a profile.

  2. To create a profile you will need your student number and your O.E.N. number. These numbers are on your timetable.

  3. The application is completely electronic.

  4. You are allowed 5 program choices for a flat fee.

    • Not more than 3 programs from the same college.

    • You will not be allowed any additional choices.

  5. Once you submit and pay for your application you will be given a reference number.

  6. You should print a copy of your application payment receipt and your reference number.

  7. Your application information will now be sent electronically to each of your program choices.

  8. Your transcript will also be automatically sent to your program choices via the O.C.A.S. website.

The ontariocolleges.ca site gives complete information about the application process and important dates and deadlines. You should read through the website thoroughly.

What transcript information do Ontario Colleges use to determine if you will get an offer to a program?

Basically, an Ontario College requires you meet all graduation requirements and individual program requirements.

Ontario Colleges do not require 6 U/M grade 12 courses.

Included in your 30 high school credits, Ontario Colleges will require a minimum of a grade 12 college level English and some programs may require specific grade 11 or 12 courses. If you have a question about program requirements you should contact the Ontario College directing by calling or e-mailing their Admission Office. This information is on each College website.

Applying to College

Step by Step How to APPLY

Understanding your credit summary

What do you need to graduate?

Collaborative University and College Programs _ Ontario Universities' Application Centre.pdf

Pathways/Programs for Workplace Level Students at Ontario Colleges

Workplace pathway.pdf

How to accept and offer