Student Wellness

This page has some tips and resources to help manage stress and mental health

Looking for in school support staff? We are here to help!

SMCA Child and Youth Worker

Ms. Harrison (Last Names A-L)

Ms. Maieron (M-Z)

Social Worker

Mrs. Irene Passos-Gold

Self-Care SMHO.pdf

Try some guided meditations

Mental Health Supports for Families

Want someone to talk to?

‘what’s up’ Walk in® Clinic is a free mental health counselling service for infants, children, youth, and their families to help with issues like depression, bullying, sexual identity, behavioural concerns, family conflict…or anything else that is on your mind

  • Serving young people up to the age of 29

  • No health card needed

  • No appointment needed

  • No fees

  • Immediate and barrier free

  • Some language specific services available

Call 1-866-585-MHTO (6486) for more information

Call Help Ahead at 1-866-585-6486 to be connected to a counsellor.

Visit: for more information on all 6 what’s up Walk In® Clinics in Toronto

These exercises are best done when read aloud to you. Try getting someone to help you by reading these to you aloud and pausing in between instruction. These can take anywhere from 5-15 minutes with extended pauses in between

Try doing some YOGA! Swipe through some of the following images and try something new!

Did you know that physical activity leads to better mental health?

4, 7, 8 Exercise

Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound. Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of 4. Hold your breath for a count of 7. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of 8.

We all feel stressed at times, even anxious. But what is stress? What is anxiety? This video outlines the differences and similarities between both and how to cope when they are impacting your life!

YouthSpeak is a nonprofit charity organization based in Toronto, Canada, that conducts assemblies and interactive workshops both online and in-person to help increase the resiliency of youth facing challenges today. These workshops are led by trained youth speakers who share their personal stories on mental health, bullying, related issues, coping strategies, and provide information on resources to inspire hope for youth everywhere!

Blog - YouthSpeak