Our Chaplain's Corner

Sept 2021 Marshall McLuhan Message.mp4


Welcome! My name is Mrs. Linda Izzo and I am blessed to be McLuhan's Chaplaincy Leader. McLuhan is truly my second home, as I have been a proud member of this school community since we first opened our doors in 1998. As McLuhan's "Resident Prayer Lady," I work with our students, staff, parents/guardians, parishes and charitable organizations to keep our faith alive. In our daily prayer, liturgies, retreats, volunteering opportunities, peer outreach, and charitable projects, we bring to life our school motto: "Faith is our Medium." Our "God Squad," or Peer Ministry Crew, works hard to inspire social justice, both within our school walls and beyond them. In everything we do, we seek to follow Jesus and commit ourselves to "do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God" (Micah 6:8). After all, at McLuhan we don't just wear the cross, we dare to live it!

Students, please complete this Google Form to request that Mrs. Izzo contact you:

McLuhan Video 1.mp4
McLuhan is Home! This video was created by Peer Ministry students to highlight the many beautiful dimensions of our school, a place where we all truly belong. We are McLuhan!

Our Parish Connection:

We are blessed beyond measure at Marshall McLuhan Catholic Secondary School to have Father Damian Young-Sam-You as our beloved spiritual director. Father Damian is Pastor at St. Monica's Church and is a great friend and supporter of our school community. Father Damian initiated a beautiful faith tradition at McLuhan with class weekly Masses in our chapel. Father D. is a source of inspiration for our academic journey all year round! We celebrate our Opening and Closing School Masses at the church, becoming visible signs in the neighbourhood of our Catholic Faith. Check out the church's website:

Christianity In Action Awards Recipients


A Sampling of OUR FAITH LIFE:


On October 13 and 14, Father Damian visited our school and blessed every classroom, office space, staff member, and student with holy water and prayers. Why? In this pandemic time, we look to God and to one another for continued support and blessings.

Useful resources:

Archdiocese of Toronto:


Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops:


Institute for Catholic Education:


Don't forget to pray!

"Now this is the confidence we have before God: whenever we ask anything according to His will, He hears us."

(1 John 5:14)

At McLuhan, we belong to The Sacred Heart of Jesus!


JUNE 11, 2021

This prayerful video commemorates the Enthronement of The Sacred Heart of Jesus image in our school.

Jesus, we trust in YOU!

Enthronement Sacred Heart Final.mp4

Way to go McLuhan!

On Feb. 15, we donned superhero shirts in honour of all kids fighting cancer and collected an impressive $806.60 fot The Childhood Cancer Canada Foundation.


We will collect for the needy all year long! The pandemic has made food insecurity a huge issue within our beloved city and school. Please heed the need to feed! As the need for food is so great, please contribute non-perishable food items in the boxes sitting in front of our chapel. One can, one bag of pasta, one can of tuna mean so much. God bless you for your kindness!

Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us!

On Saturday October 10th, Carlo Acutis was beatified with Pope Francis declaring him "Blessed." Carlo died at 15 years old in 2006 from leukemia and is on his way to becoming the Church's first millennial saint. Carlo was a typical teenager, loving his PlayStation, Mario Kart, and soccer. Carlo is already being called the "patron saint of the internet," as he was passionate about computers, gaming, and the web. Carlo was also extremely dedicated to his Catholic Faith, attending Mass and praying the Rosary daily. Carlo believed so strongly in The Eucharist and let the world know through the internet. He also cared for the poor, the elderly, the disabled, and the refugees in his Italian neighbourhoods. Carlo's body was exhumed and displayed in his signature Nikes and jeans and people are amazed at the seemingly uncorrupted state of his remains. Many miracles are being attributed to Carlo. Blessed Carlo, pray for us!


Virtual School Mass

On October 22 and 23, we at McLuhan paused to pray together via our Virtual Mass.

We meditated on this year's pastoral theme "Rooted in Christ, We Become." Everyone received a blessed faith token of The Risen Christ to remind us that we too shall arise from whatever challenges we face-- with God's help and the support of one another. Special thanks to Father D. for celebrating, the teachers who read so beautifully, and Mr. Boal for his expert technical direction.



In the Advent Season, we at Marshall McLuhan Catholic Secondary School turned our focus to reaching out to those in need. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, our Peer Ministry students lead a school-wide charitable project entitled The “GIVE” Campaign. GIVE stands for “Generosity Is Very Essential.” The pandemic has made the need to assist those struggling all the more necessary. We supported an organization near and dear to our community, The Good Shepherd Centre. McLuhan has been volunteering at this Catholic homeless shelter for twenty-three years, serving food to homeless Torontonians and collecting necessities for some of our city’s most vulnerable people. Giving was simple! Staff and students donated items by dropping them off in the boxes sitting in front of our chapel. The wise men brought gifts to the Christ Child and we brought gifts of generosity to the homeless among us. Thanks to everyone who donated canned food, pasta and rice, men’s socks, hats, scarves, and gloves, toothbrushes and toothpaste.


"Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

-Jesus (Mt 28: 20)

Advent Charitable Campaign 2021:

It's in the Bag!

Thanks to the generosity of the Marshall McLuhan community, the school’s Advent charitable campaign was a huge success. The "It's in the Bag (Be A Giver)" initiative filled 380 grocery bags with nonperishable food items and raised over $3000 in grocery gift cards for local familes facing food insecurity.

A special shout out to our Child & Youth Worker, Ms. Macri , and our Peer Ministers for leading this Advent Campaign.

We are extremely proud of the McLuhan Community for demonstrating that we know the true meaning of Christmas is in the giving and not the receiving.