Student Leadership

“Do what you do, that is, apply yourself diligently to the work you have in hand,

to perform it carefully and perfectly.”

~ Venerable Mary Ward, our Foundress

Loretto College School’s Leaders, Student Council, and members of our Big Sister, Little Sister program, are committed to being positive role models and contributors to the LCS community and our community at large. LCS Leaders are called to be responsible for themselves and others, to demonstrate by word and action, caring and compassion, and to fully participate in daily student activities.

As part of their orientation at Loretto College, students in the grade 9 program are paired and grouped with a Big Sister (a Senior student) to aid in the transition from elementary school to secondary as well as to grow and nurture our Loretto family. One exciting day that grade 9 students will participate in is a day of teamwork, spirit, and outdoor activity at Camp. From axe throwing to circle drumming, archery to high rope activities, students enjoy time with their peers making memories that will last a lifetime. Grade 9 students will benefit from their Big Sister, LCS Leaders, and the Student Council’s initiative, mentorship, and encouragement, making for a wonderful experience for new LCS students.

The LCS Student Council is made up of a group of energetic, kind, welcoming, and spirited young people who work hard each day to make life at Loretto memorable. Student Council members truly care about what the student body wants to see happen at LCS and, as a result, the events that they plan garner tonnes of interest with excitement felt throughout the building. Their Spirit Week events, that take place many times throughout the year, encourage students to participate in fun activities and initiatives to earn points to win the coveted Battle of the Grades award at the end of the year. And who knows? Perhaps, incoming grade 9s, this award will be yours in June 2024!