Our Achievements

February 14

The leaderboard competition right now is class by class. Some of the kids are working very hard to improve their skills and their total problems solved for this challenge that runs through the 5 week period.


In January we wrapped up our first leaderboard challenge. We had a full grade challenge that ran for 5 weeks. We celebrated the top 10 in each leaderboard with cookies.  We also hit 300 hours of math practice.


In December we hit 45,00 math problems and 500 hours of math practice. Here is our link to view the certificates.


In November we hit 40,000 math problems! Here is our link to view the certificates.


In October the kids worked through a lot of math problems on IXL. This link  takes you to the page with all our certificates.


In September the kids worked through a lot of math problems on IXL. This link takes you to the page with all our certificates.