Edoardo R.

Start of year Hauora warrant of fitness ┻̿═━一

  • Physical fitness, My physical fitness has to be improved by running more, because i play hockey and i enjoy it. a

  • My Nutrition is pretty healthy already I always eat healthy food, I am also a vegetarian.

  • Sleep, I think i need more sleep, I don't get much because of my homework that I have to do.

  • My Hygiene is pretty good I always wash my hands at school and I like to stay clean. I think I need to wash my hands more because of all the viruses that are going around school.

  • Looks, My looks are fine, I get a haircut if my hair gets in front of my eyes because it gets annoying. I also prefer looking tidy and not wearing dirty clothes.

  • Social, with socialising I am fine, I make friends easily. Also when i am around town or somewhere i say hi to someone if they say hi to me, and not just be quiet.

  • Friends, I have quite a bit of friends, I find it easy to make friends, for example after camp i had like ten more friends that i used to have. You just have to be kind to them and not be too annoying or else people aren' t going to like you.

  • Relationships, my relationships with family are good we always video chat them every week, since all my family apart from mum, dad, Brother and sister live in Italy.

  • Social media, I use Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat, Whatsapp and Youtube and other, I try not to use them too much, i mostly use Instagram and Snapchat to talk to my old school mates and friends.

  • Gaming, I don't play games because I'm not allowed apart from Minecraft Educational Edition and when I go to my friends' place if they play I usually have a go at Fortnite and COD, i quite like it because it's fun.

  • Team activities, I play summer Hockey with my old school mates and friends every week in summer, in winter I usually play hockey for the school team and this year it's going to be for TBC. Or else i don't much other sports.

  • Mental and Emotional, I usually am fine emotionally and mentally, i sometimes get a bit angry when i have too much homework or when someone at school is being annoying as or if they try and fight/insult you.

  • Insults, I don't insult people unless they do it to me, I don't get insulted that much at school because people are scared of being told off, and can usually manage this by myself or if i have friends around that's even better.

  • Depression/anxiety, I usually am anxious when I have to do my homework that I have to do if i don't have time but i have to rush it and i get anxious that i won't finish it in time, otherwise i am fine. I have been depressed sometimes but about unimportant stuff at home.

  • Bullying, I don't like to bully people and i don't like to, I don't get bullied at school because i have friends that help me if I am in trouble with other people.

  • Birthday, my birthday is on the 26th July, I don't usually have a birthday party and i don't really mind, I usually go to my mates' birthday parties because i get invited most of the time.

  • Spiritual, I don't have any spiritual beliefs.

  • Religion, I don't really have a religion but back in Italy I always used to go to church every Sunday with my family but here in NZ we have been to church very rarely.

  • Meditation/beliefs, I kind of believe in God but I still am not that sure about it.

  • Culture, My family is kind of blending in with the NZ culture but our meals are usually the same as when we used to be in Italy, we have just changed our mealtimes and a bit the food but it's mostly the same.

  • Morals, I have common sense and i use my head before going into instinct. I also am honest.