
How did you display a ‘Effort’ in our Gymnastics and Football Units this term?

In gymnastics I showed effort when I tried, even though I knew I was bad at some things that we had to do I still tried my best and did what I could.

How has ‘Effort’ had a positive effect on another area of your life? E.g sport, music, school work, your job.

Effort has made a positive effect in my sport. At hockey I put in the most effort and worked well with my team, we had really good results because at the end of the year we came third in the leaderboard of hockey .

How does ‘Effort’ affect each dimension of your Hauora?

  • Physical

In this effort helped me to push and try my hardest to stay fit and get motivated to go out and even go for a run.

  • Mental

Effort affects my mental health because, when I am trying to do something and have to concentrate I don't give up but keep trying and giving it my best shot.

  • Emotional

Effort helps me when I am really angry at my brother or parents, I try and stay calm and talk it through.

  • Social

Effort helps me when I socialise, I try to make friends and even socialising more with others.

  • Spiritual

I show effort in respecting people with different beliefs and religions to mine.