Start of year Hauoar WOF


To be honest I think my physical well being is pretty good for my age. I do a wide range of sports from basketball to mountain biking. My eating habits are very good in my family, we have meat free Monday and I don't not go to fast food story very often so I think that my PHYSICAL self is in a good place.


I think that i'm really good at being a social person. I often get compliments from other people about my ability to talk to pretty much anyone. There are mean thing that I could improve on but the big on for me is to listing and understand people at a deeper level and really know what they are talking about instead of just nodding.


Over all I'm a pretty happy guy. I'm quite hard to get down and I get over my mental barriers. As a boy some would say I quite a low thresh holed for my emotion like you know if i'm happy or sad by the look on my face. I did get bullied at school for a little bit about like girls but that is why I think I am who I am, but if you meet me in the street you would not know that I have been bullied but I have learnt that if they are bulling me I have something they don't have which is most likely a really big heart.


As far as spiritual stuff goes i'm don't really have much of an opinion. I do some time have a little talk to The One. You may think that I don't call him God or ''The Man'' but in my head that person looks over all of us and The One could be a man or a woman just because the bible says that The One "God" is a man but we all have a bit of both sex in us so for me I that that it should be up to the person to find there "The One".