
How did you display a ‘Effort’ in our Gymnastics Unit this term?

I tried everything from level 1-4 on all the disciplines. I got up to the front flip on the volt and this was hard as I have never done this before. I also got the hand stand which I have never done before. I feel that I put in a lot of and I showed though how much I got though.

How has ‘Effort’ had a positive effect on another area of your life? E.g sport, music, school work, your job...etc

I put a lot of effort into Basketball and Mountain biking. With basketball I put a lot of effort into trying to make the top team and I made it so the effort payed off. With Mountain biking I have put a lot of hours into training and I tried really hard at nationals and got a top 30 which for my first time I am very happy with.

How does ‘Effort’ affect each dimension of your Hauora?


It has helped me to get though really hard times. I have had to work really hard this year to get the sporting out that I wanted and I think the effort that I put in has a big part of why I made the teams I did.