Career's inquiry

Career’s inquiry

Planning on your career early in life can be really helpful. If you haven't already, it is probably a good idea to start thinking about what job you want to do in the future. If you decide what you want to do too late, you might miss the opportunity. The career that I want to pursue is software developer. I want to become a software developer because I’m really interested in computers and softwares, and I think what software developers do is really cool, and it’s also good paying. That is why I’d like to be a software developer. In this report I will talk about skills, qualities and qualifications that I will need. I have also stated the deliberate acts that I will take to set myself apart from all the other people wanting to choose this career path as a software developer.

Software developers create and maintain software, websites and applications. They talk to clients to get an idea of what they want, then they spend time planning and designing whatever they are going to make. To create softwares, developers have to write lots of codes which can take a really long time. Software developers also spend time finding and fixing bugs to make software and applications work better.

This graph shows five different jobs and it shows the number of people that do those jobs. In this graph you can see that there are about fifteen thousand software developers in NZ, which is a lot less than how many managing directors and chief executives and accountants there are. There are just under five thousand fruit and nut growers, and only around a thousand ship engineers.


There are no specific requirements to become a software developer. It is possible to work as a developer without a qualification, but having a degree in computer science or software engineering would make it much easier to find a job as a developer, because employers prefer candidates with a qualification.

Having a degree in computer science is really good if you want to become a software developer. In the computer science course you can learn many things, you can learn about computers and computing. The principles of mathematics, engineering, and logic are used in a wide range of activities in computer science, including algorithm creation, software and hardware development, and artificial intelligence. For full-time students, obtaining a bachelor's degree in computer science normally takes four years.

A degree in software engineering is also good for becoming a software developer. Studying Software engineering equips you with expert understanding of a wide range of programming languages, software design, information systems, databases, and software architecture. You'll also learn more general skills like verbal communication and how to operate in a group. This can also take up to four years to complete.


You need skills and knowledge to gain any qualification. To be able to gain a degree in computer science and software engineering and to become a software developer, you need many skills like communication, time management, teamwork, computer and technology, and analysis skills. There are a lot more, but I think the three most important skills are: attention to detail, creativity and technology skills.

Attention to detail. Attention to detail is critical in the field of computer science and information technology. You must be able to read long lines of code and spot any errors. Having a keen eye for the finer points of a project can help you make a significant contribution.

Creativity. Some people believe that computer science is purely logical and dry. That, however, is just not the case. Solving difficulties and developing functional, modern web applications and websites require creativity. Unlike in maths class, when there is just one correct answer to a problem, computer scientists have an infinite number of options and solution paths to choose from. This is when creative problem solving comes into play. Creativity helps with problem solving, which is another important skill for a developer.

Technology. To succeed in a developer career, you must have strong computer and technological abilities. This can include software knowledge, operating system awareness, typing proficiency, and excellency in spreadsheets and presentations. Having good technology skills make this job much easier to understand and it would help you to become good in less time.


Being curious helps a developer in two ways when it comes to learning. For starters, it keeps you interested in what you're learning so you don't become bored. Second, it draws attention to new learning possibilities that you might otherwise overlook. For software developers, curiosity is essential. Because it encourages people to learn new programming languages and try out new systems and technologies. Finding solutions to problems is one of the most significant things it helps with.

A great programmer should care about the success of your product. They should be positive, and be willing to go the extra mile to complete tasks, and give it their all every day. This can only be done with a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude is really important for a developer, because it makes them work hard, and helps them to successfully finish their tasks on time. If you don’t have a positive attitude as a developer, you most likely won't enjoy your job as much.

Deliberate acts I will take in year 10

I'm a year ten student, and I will be in year ten for the next three terms. In that time, I can work on certain things to gain skills and knowledge that I might need in the future. Gaining skills that you would need for the career that you want early can help a lot. If you achieve some things that you would need to gain your qualifications, it would make it much easier to gain whatever qualifications you want.

During my time in year ten, I will try to achieve level 5 in my inquiries, and in my other subjects. Having good grades doesn't always matter after leaving school, but if you do achieve good grades in school, that would mean that you are good at learning new things. Achieving good grades in subjects that are related to the career I want is great, because that would tell if I would actually be interested, and there would be a higher chance of me achieving my goal. This year I will also try and get a job so I can experience what it’s like having an actual job.

In this time I can also develop some of my qualities. I will be doing more inquiries later this year, so I need to have a positive attitude toward my work. If I have a positive attitude in class, I will get more work done and do better inside and outside of class. With a positive attitude, I will be able to finish my work on time and not waste time. Having a positive attitude will help me achieve better results, and achieve my goals. Something important that I want to develop is willingness to learn. If you want to be a software developer you have to be willing to learn, be cause the career of a software developer involves a lot of learning.

I will also try to develop some skills that I will need in the future. I will try to improve my communication skills by communicating to others for group projects. I will also communicate with experts for expert interviews for my inquiries. I try to solve problems by myself, so I don’t have to rely on others, and so I can develop problem solving skills. I think an important skill that I should develop is time management. I think this is an important skill because it's something you need in the future for any job. I will try to finish and submit all my assignments on time, and arrive at class on time and not be late, so I can develop this skill.

Deliberate acts I will take in senior school.

For the next three years, I will be a senior. In my last three years of school I need to make the most of my time, so I am ready to leave school after year thirteen. I think that being a senior will be different to being a junior, I think that it will be harder. Being a senior at school will be harder because you have to prepare for NCEA exams, NCEA exams take much longer to finish, and your score really matters. But If I focus in class and work hard, I will be able to pass my NCEA level 1, 2, and 3 exams.

During my time as a senior student, I would like to achieve NCEA level 1, 2, and 3, all endorsed with merit or excellence, so I can go to a good university to gain the qualification I need for my future career. I will try and complete my homework consistently, so I am up to date with my work, and it will also help me learn things quicker, so I can do well in my tests and exams. A qualification I would like to gain outside of school is my learner and restricted drivers license. I would also like to do a job throughout all of my senior years at school.

The quality I would really like to develop is a positive attitude. I would like to develop this quality because it is something I can use at school, and outside of school as well. Since I will have NCEA exams, I will have to start focusing more in class, and I will also have to work hard so I can pass my exams. This can only be done if I have a positive attitude. Without a positive attitude, I won't be able to focus in class and wont get as much work done. If something is too difficult, I can’t give up and stop trying, instead I need to have a positive mindset about it and think about the great outcomes of it.

There are so many opportunities for students in Tauranga Boys’ College. But some people just don’t take advantage of the opportunities at school, and outside of school. During my junior years, I didn't take part in much either. I am going to take part in more things so I can develop some skills. I am going to play at least two sports so I can develop my communication skills. I will also try to develop my self management skills. I will develop this skill by getting on with my own work, and not waiting for the teacher to tell me what to do. I want to develop this skill because I want to be able to manage myself, and my work in my future career. A skill that software developers mostly need is attention to detail. I can develop this skill by writing anything, and just pay attention and look for any errors, without using any tools.

Finally, for a successful career, it is vital to plan ahead. You must acquire the necessary skills and qualities. To be a software developer, willingness to learn and a positive attitude is really important. Problem solving and communication skills are also really important if you want to be a software developer. If I follow my plan and make the right choices it will set me apart from other applicants in this career path, and I will be able to become a successful software developer.