Social Studies

Social Studies icon (globe)

In an effort to help our TBAISD teachers in this unprecedented situation we are sharing a list of distance learning resources that are recommended by fellow educators. Some may fit into your curriculum. They may not follow state standards directly, but the content will be sound. Please keep in mind that this page will be updated regularly. If you have resources that you would like to share, please use the link on the home page.

Resources for Supporting Remote Learning

  • Using Inquiry to Enrich and Further Social Studies Instruction Document This guide is not presented as the “only way” to go about using inquiry to meet the unique and challenging demands of the COVID-19 emergency shutdown of schools, rather, it is hopefully a map to somewhere useful for a knowledgeable and experienced teacher to begin navigation of the remainder of the 2019-20 school year.

  • Michigan Social Studies Hub As Michigan begins implementing the new social studies standards this website will be your most valuable tool for implementing the standards and the C3 Framework with fidelity.

  • C3 Inquiry Hub The Inquiry Design Model (IDM) is a distinctive approach to creating curriculum and instructional materials that honors teachers’ knowledge and expertise, avoids overprescription, and focuses on the main elements of the instructional design process as envisioned in the Inquiry Arc of the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for State Social Studies Standards (2013). During this time of great disruption from COVID-19, C3 Teachers is offering direct access to 375 inquiries that you can use to sustain your students’ learning. These inquiries are available in an easy to use a Google Spreadsheet HERE. Please note when browsing these inquiries they are organized at three levels.

  • Level 1 are the most the most careful designed and complete of our collection, also available at

  • Level 2 inquiries are published on our state and organizational hubs All of these inquiries have been reviewed, but the formatting and design assumptions may be just a bit different.

  • Level 3 inquiries are in our IDM Generator. These inquires have not been heavily reviewed, but we think they represent some great think and provide opportunities to spark inquiry with students.

  • Grade Level Inquiry Folders These folders contain inquiry based activities.

  • Michigan Citizenship Collaborative Curriculum (MC3) K-12 - The MC3 curriculum is aligned to the content in the Michigan Social Studies Standards although with the recent revision of the standards in June/2019, much of the the coding (depending on the grade) is no longer accurate.

  • NEWSELA Social Studies (K-12) - High quality social studies content - Take the pain out of finding, differentiating, and matching content to social studies standards with engaging and vetted texts, sourced from world-class content providers.

  • GIANTS Curriculum (3-8) - Curricular units include instructional strategies unique for teaching spatial thinking skills through the Arc of Inquiry, hands-on activities, literacy strategies, and best practices in both formative and summative assessment and will be modeled at each session.

  • MI Open Book Project (K-12) - The MI Open Book Project is an initiative funded by the Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant (TRIG) in which a group of master teachers collaborated and developed an open educational resource (OER) for classrooms around Michigan. It also allows teachers to customize the content to them and their students.