Taunton Public Schools

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This link has been created to keep you informed regarding Covid-19 and how it impacts our community.

Dear Taunton Public Schools community:

I am pleased to inform you that the Taunton Public Schools has created a new webpage platform that is linked directly from the District website to house all communications and resources in response to COVID-19. All prior and future communications from me are linked here. Additionally, we have added a Digital Learning Resources page with links to educational resources that can provide learning enrichment opportunities for all students during the period of school closure. You can also find resources and guides to help parents and guardians discuss Coronavirus with their child. And we have linked all up-to-date state and federal guidance information and communications on COVID-19 here, too. You will also find links to information on the food service offerings for all Taunton Public School students while school is out of session. This webpage will be continually updated and revised, as new information is received. Stay tuned for a running FAQ Resource document that will be linked here shortly, too.

With regards to the Digital Learning Resources page, please know that the resources listed on this website are intended to be used for enrichment purposes only. Nothing can replace the work of teachers and students in schools, but these resources are intended for students to practice the skills they have already learned in all academic areas and will offer our students the ability to explore additional information on previously taught curriculum while at home. On this Digital Learning Resources page, you will find resources divided into sections for each grade level. We will also be adding a section for AP Course Information shortly. If your child does not know how to access their Google or Classlink accounts please do not worry. An email will be sent to parents later this week with passwords and directions, along with more details on the educational learning plan for all students and the plan for distribution of Chromebooks and internet access or alternatives, if needed, while schools are closed.