VCE Unscored Information

VCAA recommends that schools encourage all students to undertake scored assessment wherever possible. Scored assessment provides a more detailed record of student achievement and is currently considered to be the best way to maximise opportunities and pathways to further education and training. 

Unscored option at Unit 1 and 2: Students wishing to undertake an unscored pathway that begins in Year 11 will be required to select subjects from the VCE Vocational Major. All other VCE subjects will be treated as scored subjects for Units 1 and 2. 

Unscored options at Unit 3 and 4: At Units 3 and 4 the VCE program does provide the flexibility to satisfactorily complete units without having to undertake graded assessments. 

Fully Unscored

Unscored applies to all subjects undertaken for Unit 3 and 4 and once the decision is made, can’t be retracted. It is important to note that students will be ineligible to receive an ATAR that will qualify for university entry or for a raw score that goes towards an ATAR. This is a major decision and must include completing a Career Action Plan plan with our Careers & Pathway Team. The form below must be signed by parents and student.

Partial Unscored

Unscored applies to an individual subject at Units 3 & 4. Students may choose to treat one of their subjects as unscored. They will not receive a study score for this subject and it will not contribute towards an ATAR. Students must ensure they successfully complete four scored sequences of Unit 3 and 4 subjects to receive an ATAR.

TSC Unscored Agreement.pdf