90% Attendance

Students must meet the coursework requirements to demonstrate key skills and knowledge and the 90% attendance requirement in order to achieve a 'Satisfactory' for any unit of study, regardless of whether they are attempting the study scored or unscored. 

90% Attendance Requirement

Tarneit Senior College has a minimum attendance requirement of 90% attendance at Years 10-12. This means that students are required to be in class for every session, every day - unless they have a specific medical reason for an absence. Students are required to arrive on time and remain in class for the full school day. 

Students who arrive late or leave before the end of the day risk not having these sessions counted in their overall attendance rate. Students arriving late frequently will receive a lunchtime detention.

Roll Marking

The College has an electronic roll marking system and student attendance is recorded for every session. Students who are absent must bring a parent note or doctor’s certificate on their return to school. Parent/Guardian contact will be made for students absent. Parents can also approve absences using the Compass Parent Portal.