
 Unit 3 & 4

Course Description

It is strongly advised that students can play an instrument to a reasonable standard if undertaking this subject. Students will present works on one or more instruments in group contexts. They also study the work of other performers and explore strategies to optimise their own approach to performance.

Students in music performance will learn to play different styles of music and learn to address challenges in presenting music for performance. Students will study aural, theory and analysis concepts to develop their musicianship skills and apply this knowledge when preparing and presenting performances.

Unit 3: Music Performance

This unit prepares students to present more convincing musical performances. This unit gets students to play a range of styles in groups and solo contexts. They will also use instrumental techniques to present informed presentations of different styles of music. There will also be further studies in music theory, aural transcription and music analysis.

Outcomes - On completion of this unit students will be able to:

Present a musically engaging performance in a group context

Demonstrate and discuss techniques designed to improve group music performance

Show understanding of music theory in relation to works used in performance.

Assessment Tasks

Unit 4: Music Performance

In this unit students will work toward the end of year performance exam. Performance exam times depend on the size of the group usually lasting between 35 and 40 minutes. They will also continue with theory and music analysis work in order to prepare them for the VCE Written and Aural exam.

Outcomes - On completion of this unit students will be able to:

Present a musically engaging performance in a group context

Demonstrate and discuss techniques designed to improve group music performance

Assessment Tasks

Textbook requirements:


Additional Costs:

Career Pathways

Possible future careers in music can include: