Product Design

Year 10 Elective

Course Description

Product Design is part of people’s responses to changing needs to improve quality of life through design. Central to Product Design is the visual communication design process, which provides a structure for students to develop effective design practice. The design process involves identification of a design problem/need that is then articulated in a design brief. The need is investigated and informed by research to aid the development of solutions that take the form of physical, three-dimensional products. Development of these solutions requires the application of technology and a variety of skills, including creative design thinking, drawing and computer-aided design, testing processes and materials, planning, construction, fabrication and evaluation. 

In Product Design students assume the role of a designer-maker. In adopting this role, they acquire and apply knowledge of factors that influence design. Students address the design factors and criteria relevant to their design.

Outcomes - On completion of this unit students will be able to:

Assessment Tasks

Pathways into VCE 


Additional Costs: None