
Unit 3 & 4

Course Description:

This unit explores expressions of culture and ethnicity within Australian society in two different contexts – Australian Indigenous culture, and ethnicity in relation to migrant groups. As well as considers the ways sociologists have thought about the idea of community and how the various types of community are experienced. They examine the relationship between social movements and social change.

Unit 3

In Unit 3 students develop an understanding of a variety of barriers and enablers that need to be considered when investigating experiences of ethnicity. For example, the way that a group sees itself might not correspond with the way that outsiders see it. Sometimes observers place people into broad ethnic categories that do not correspond with the views of individual group members.

Outcomes - On completion of this unit students will be able to:

Assessment Tasks

Unit 4:

In Unit 4 students examine the changing definitions and experiences of community. This includes examination of the challenges and opportunities posed by political, social, economic and technological change. Students examine the concept of community with particular reference to the theory of Ferdinand Tonnies. Students investigate the role of social movements and develop an understanding of the purpose, evolution, power and outcomes of social movements.

Outcomes - On completion of this unit students will be able to:

Assessment Tasks


Textbook requirements:


Additional Costs:

Career Pathways

What Careers/Courses this could lead to:

Note: Only some courses at Bachelor Degree level will require this course. Some Diploma courses may require this course also. 

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