
Thank you for your interest and confidence in our students.

Internships are handled by the respective Person-In-Charge / Internship Coordinator of the Faculty/Course.  Further discussion should be made with the faculty to verify and get registered as an internship provider.

By referring to the steps below, you can contact the relevant PIC of the faculty/course you're targeting. If you're unsure, please enquire/cc with us at

For Computer Science/ IT related internships, please refer to the Industrial Training Platform (Only for IT-related internships).

Identify Intern's Job Scope

Prepare details of company background and the intern's job scope. Let us know how they can apply their skills and the background of the interns needed such as which course of students you intend to take in.

Communicate with relevant PIC

Head to the Internship Coordinator List and email the relevant PIC with the details you have prepared. (IT-related fields may vary)

Onboarding & Evaluation

Once you've registered as an internship provider, students will email directly to you if interested. Feedback to us/faculty of any issues regarding the intern and evaluation will take place nearing the end of the internship.

How do I get interns from TAR UMT?

First, you need to know what interns are you looking for. As our students would go for internship related to their course and also carry out task that needs skills to be applied from their background, companies need to specify what course of students the company needs. For example, an engineering company would want students probably from the Engineering field.

How do I know who to email to?

You may refer to the sheets based on your internship requirements. Therefore, do consider whether diploma/degree in the related course is also acceptable to your company. If unsure, you may double check with us at SCDC.

What do I need to provide when emailing to Internship Coordinators?

Different faculties may require different documents. However, you can prepare some basics such as the SSM document, company background and also the internship job description. When emailing the PIC, please address them well and cc the email to for faster processing.

What role does SCDC have on Internships?

We oversee the internship process and also in charge of internships relating to IT. If you are unsure about anything regarding internships, PIC and more, please let us know.

For internships related to IT/Computer Science, there is an ITP platform for students and companies. This ITP Platform is solely for IT-related internships only. You can refer to the ITP platform usage here, or in the sheets.

When is the internship period for students?

Internship dates varies from course to course. However, internships usually follow the academic calendar, where students would go for internships in their 2nd or 3rd semester. In  short, students usually would go for  internships on January  and October/November.

As the dates and students may start earlier or later, it is best to confirm with the students themselves when accepting internships. Usually, students would go for internship for 10-14 weeks, some up to half a year.

Internship Coordinator List

Internship Sharing Details