Career Fairs @ TAR UMT

Upcoming Fair : 13 & 14 August 2024

Virtual Platform runs from 12 - 16 August 2024

Journey to Excellence

Career Fairs at TAR UMT is where students learn, explore and excel towards their future career. Every year, the Student Career Development Centre (SCDC) and the Career Guidance Society (CGS)  organizes Career Fairs for graduating students or internship seekers. Each fair is different to it's objectives. It is also open to all graduates and alumni. 

TAR UMT Hybrid Career & Internship Fair EDM

Company EDM 2024 Aug Internship Fair.pdf

【Important】Please read the EDM above before registering. Registration is now open!

Please register via the button below.

About Our Fairs

Our fairs are now geared towards the hybrid mode which includes both virtual and physical setups. That way, students can engage in comfort with added efficiency. Usually, our fairs are conducted 2-3 times a year, in our KL Main Campus or virtually. Of course, our branch campuses also organize some of their own from time to time! Learn more about TAR UMT here.

Previous Fairs

Every fair has it's own theme and objective. With the evolvement of generations, our fairs are also adapting to be more vibrant and fun in finding the career pathway.

Hybrid Career and Internship Fair - 'Set Sail' (April 2023)

Hybrid Internship & Career Fair - Tech Along (December 2023)

Hybrid Internship & Career Fair - Journey Junction (August 2023)

Hybrid Internship & Career Fair - Ready for Takeoff (April 2024)

Our Commitments

SCDC TAR UMT strives to bridge the academic-industry gap through our career fairs. We encourage employers to provide a diversity of opportunities for our students and also the chance to network with professionals. Every fair, we can only accommodate a number of employers due to certain limitations. Thus, SCDC will continue to strive for our students' benefit and ensuring quality of the Career/Internship Fairs.

Organizing Team

The organizing team consists of 2 main bodies which are
(1) Student Career Development Centre (SCDC), formed by Career Professionals who are also staff of TAR UMT.
(2) Career Guidance Society (CGS), a society under SCDC which forms the committee team of the event.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I join TAR UMT Internship/Career Fairs?

Once we send out invitations, you may join by registering yourself via our prepared form. You may find it here in this site or emailed to you (when the registration opens). If you would want us to send suitable events to you, please join our SCDC Community.

Am I eligible to join TAR UMT Internship/Career Fairs? 

Any valid company can apply except for certain businesses conflicting with our policies. However, due to limited slots, SCDC will adhere to our selection criteria. We encourage employers to provide diverse vacancies and networking opportunities.

In accordance to our policy, SCDC shall only engage with Headquarters or the hiring employers directly. Agencies or companies recruiting for others may be suited for other events instead of Career/Internship Fairs. SCDC has the final decision on approving/rejecting applications.

What are the cost/fees? 

Packages vary from fair to fair. Hybrid packages starts from RM1300 and virtual from RM500. These prices includes all fees and charges (excluding refunds and cancellations).

What can I know about the virtual platform? 

How does the platform work?

You may view the demo here -
The virtual platform is similar to typical job platform. You can post jobs and students may view and apply. In addition, the virtual platform provide live chat, interview features where you can engage with participants.

Which students would be joining the career/internship fair? 

Depending on the semester, our fairs are geared either towards Graduating Students  or Internship Goers. Their background would be diverse, but proportioned according to the faculty size. We will provide an estimated number of students (graduates or interns) in our EDM. Students will come join if they are interested, but we'll do our best in encouraging them to be there. Do also note that although catered for graduates or interns, students from 1st or 2nd year would also join to experience and explore on their career.

① Students who are graduating after the current semester, consisting of all faculties.
② Students who would be going for their internships the next semester, consisting of selected faculties due to different timelines.

Get the full list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) here.

If you're interested, do join our SCDC Community and we would send you an invitation if you're suitable for any event/activities. You can also browse through our sites for any new information.

Any matters related to career/internship fairs, please email to