Home/School Alliance

Back to School Tips for Success

  1. Follow routines at home. Children succeed when they have a regular time to eat, sleep, play, read, do chores, etc.
  2. Create daily rituals. Start school mornings eating breakfast together. Ask about school every evening. End the day with a bedtime story.
  3. Stay up to date on school news. Read the information that comes home from your child's teacher and the school.
  4. Notify the teacher about any changes at home, such as new living arrangements or illness.
  5. Don't over schedule yourself or your child. All children and families need some downtime.
  6. Limit the use of devices and be a role model yourself. Your presence is the best present you can give your child.

After-School Conversations

  • "Let's see what you brought home."
  • "Show me what you have for homework."
  • "Describe a book you enjoyed today."
  • "Tell me what you learned that you'd like to know more about."
  • "What was the best thing that happened today? What wasn't so good?"
  • "Pretend you are the teacher. How would you describe the day?"
  • "What made you laugh?"
  • "What was the most creative thing you did?"
  • "How were you kind or helpful today? Was anyone kind or helpful to yo?"