Prospective Students & Postdocs

The ACCI lab is seeking new members in the field of atmospheric chemistry and aerosol-cloud interactions in spring/fall 2022. The research will focus on aerosol multiphase chemistry (SOA and chemical analysis) and aerosol climate effects (CCN and IN). Potential candidates with a background in environmental science, chemistry, and atmospheric sciences are especially welcome to apply.

The ACCI lab is currently working on following areas of interests: (a) multiphase chemistry of atmospheric aerosols and chemical kinetics. (b) fundamental aerosol physicochemical properties and its application (c) the climate effects of aerosol particles including cloud condensation nuclei and ice nucleation properties. Instruments including a state-of-the-art environmental chamber, chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS), aerosol chemical speciation monitor (AMS/ACSM), liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), broadband dielectric spectrometry (BDS) will be used to answer scientific questions in these three research areas mentioned above.

Successful candidate will also not only be funded with scholarships but also have the opportunity to collaborate with atmospheric transport modelers and other labs in the US, as well as participate in large scale field campaigns in the US.

For more information or questions about the lab or the research, please visit the ACCI website or contact Professor Yue Zhang. For application requirement and information please visit the application website.