Visit the Office of Residence Life's website here!
Recently renovated with modern amenities, our residence halls are located in the northwest pocket of the Engineering corridor. The 2024 hall assignments have yet to be determined, but they are usually located in the area located on the map to the right.
212 Houston Street
College Station, TX 77840
*Key Pickup and Guest Services is located in Hullabaloo Hall
MOVE-IN: The Office of Residence Life will allow USRG students to begin their move-in process on May 25, 2024. Actual key pick-up is in Hullabaloo Hall located next door to Haas. Go to the ResLife desk to get your key and check-in.
MOVE-OUT: Students should vacate their rooms no later than 5:00 PM on August 3, 2024. Further direction from Residence Life will be provided at a later date.
Residence Life offers services to work to accommodate our on-campus Aggies. A resident may make a housing accommodations request by contacting Disability Resources.
What's Provided in Neely Haas?
Residence Rooms
Private - although Neely Hall is a double-occupancy residence hall, USRG students will not share rooms. Each room has a private bath.
Furniture included (2 of each per double room): desk, chair, bed, dresser, bookshelf; beds are twin-size tall lofts
80+ channels of digital TV and internet (television and cables are not provided)
Microchill will be provided courtesy of USRG
1 set of bed linens and towels will be provided each week
Water bottle filling station
Residence Hall
Community kitchen
On-site washer/dryer (free)
TV lounge
Bike rack nearby
Safety & Security
Card-controlled access
24-hour on-call staff
Security officer
Resident advisors
What Do I Need To Bring With Me?
Bed Pillows
Mattress Pad
Sheet Sets
Comforter or Duvet
Blanket or Throw
Lamp that Clips onto Bed
Towel Set
Bath Rug
Laundry Basket
Drying Rack
Vacuum or Broom & Dust Pan
All-Purpose Cleaner
Cleaning Cloth
Laundry Detergent/ Pods -Dryer Sheets
What Might I Want To Bring With Me?
Stacking Drawers
Under-bed Storage
Over-the-Door Mirror
Bedside Shelf/Caddy
Dishes, Cups, and Utensils
Pots & Pans for Cooking
Water bottle &Travel Mugs
Food Storage
Coffee Maker
Bicycle & Bicycle Lock
Power strips, extension cords, USB blocks
Television (they are not provided in the room)
Cable/ethernet cord
Streaming device
The health and safety of our students are our priorities above all else. You can visit the university's emergency preparedness resource site to learn ways to protect yourself in the event of an emergency and understand the tools and resources on campus to help you should you need them. Among the many resources that the university provides, we would like to make you aware of several highly beneficial to you as visiting Aggies.
CODE MAROON: Code Maroon is an emergency notification system that alerts your phone in the event of an active threat to campus. You must enroll to receive these notifications. They are tested routinely at designated times posted on the website.
BLUE EMERGENCY PHONES: There are blue light phones located throughout the Texas A&M campus. These phones are distinguished by the 12-foot pole with the blue light on top and "Police Help" written on the front and sides.
In an emergency, simply open the door on the weatherproof box and press the red button. The University Police dispatcher will immediately know your exact location. Talk directly into the speaker in the center of the phone. A map of the blue phones can be found here.
CORPS ESCORT: The Corps of Cadets Guard Room Escort Program provides a free Corps escort service to Texas A&M students, faculty and staff. When Guard Room operations are conducted, members of the campus community can request a Corps escort on weekdays from 5pm to 7am and 24 hours a day on weekends. The Guard Room is closed on holidays and during final exams. To request a Corps escort, call the Guard Room at 979-845-6789. This number can also be found on the back of your student ID. A member of the Corps of Cadets will meet the person requesting the escort and walk with him/her to on-campus locations on main campus and up to West Campus Garage.