Texas A&M Biomedical Engineering Graduate Student Association


The main goals of the BMEGSA are to represent the interest of the graduate students to the faculty and administration of the BMEN department and to facilitate networking and social interactions between students, administration, faculty, and staff within the department. 

Upcoming Events Summer 2024

June General Meeting - Town Hall - June 28; 11:30am ETB 3002 and Zoom

Department Ice cream and cookie social 🍪 - June 28; 12:30pm ETB 3002

BMEN Coloring Book Contest - Submit here

July General Meeting - July 26; 11:30am ETB 3002 and Zoom

GRS Symposium - August 15; 8:30 - 2:30 pm ETB

August General Meeting - August 30; 11:30am ETB 3002 and Zoom

Get Connected Now

Join our Slack: BMEGSA


Our organization has no membership requirements

aside from your designation as a graduate student in the Biomedical Engineering program at Texas A&M University!

Join our Slack and Email list for regular updates on events and come to our monthly general meetings to get your involvement started today!