
General information about the Topics to be covered in the Talks:

(For more information about the timings and presenters, check the Schedule page.

Tutorials (Mornings):

  1. Intro to Machine Learning & Good Data Practices (Bring Your Laptop)
  2. Intro to Statistics for Machine Learning & Data Analysis (Bring Your Laptop)
  3. Intro to Sketch Recognition
  4. Intro to Activity Recognition

Hands-on Workshops:

  1. Mechanix
  2. Sketchtivity
  3. ZenSketch

Senior Capstone Mid-Semester Presentations (Tuesday and Thursday Afternoons):

  1. Zephyr: A UAV Application to Search and Rescue Operations
  2. Tactical Playbook: Haptic Troop Navigation
  3. Using AI and Sketch Recognition to Recognize Hand Drawn Mathematical Equations
  4. Mixed Reality Guitar Learning System
  5. Tensai - Using Sketch-Based Games and Machine Learning to Improve Japanese Handwriting
  6. Visualize - Eyetracking for Art Curation

Undergraduate AggiE_Challenge Presentations (1st-4th year undergraduates working on group research projects in AI/ML):

  1. Designing Wearable Foot Sensors for Gaze-Based Interactions
  2. Recognition of Smoking Using Wearable Wristwatch
  3. Human-Following Autonomous Cargo Carrier
  4. Designing a Smart Tattoo
  5. Comparing Accuracy and Timing Different ML Algorithms for Eye-Gesture Recognition
  6. Underwater Depth Perception Using Smartphone Senors
  7. Identifying Swimmer's Flips with ML
  8. Identifying Restless Leg Syndrome Using Machine Learning
  9. Watch-Based Seatbelt Detection using ML

NSF/NIH-Funded Research Projects (Graduate Student Presentations):

  1. Determining What Recruiters Want Through Eye-Tracking
  2. Mechanix: Automatically correcting Hand-Drawn Statics Homework Problems and Tests using AI and ML
  3. Sketchtivity: Teaching Engineering Students to Draw in 3-D Perspective using AI and ML
  4. KidGab: A Social Network for Kids: Using NLP and ML to understand how kids communicate online
  5. Active Living Austin: Using ML to See How a Designed Community Environment Affects Activity Levels

Recently Published Works (Graduate Student Presentations):

  1. iCan Trace: Generating Life-Like Comic Avatars through AI and Sketching
  2. ZenSketch: Teaching Drawing through AI and Gamification (won first jury prize at CHIPLAY 2017)
  3. Recognizing Brushing Teeth and other Cleansing Activities in Elderly using Machine Learning
  4. Emoji Recognition for Webinar Crowd Interaction using ML & Vision
  5. Creating Hacker and Calibration-Free Eyetracking-Based Logins using AI and ML
  6. Recognizing and Animating Hand-Drawn Flow Charts using AI
  7. Detecting Cognitive Decline through ML and Sketching
  8. FreeStyle: Interactive Wireframing with Sketch Recognition
  9. Integrating Outcomes of Care with Patient Treatments using ML

Graduate Works In Progress (and unpublished 2016 Sketch Recognition Projects):

  1. How Does Your Brain Process Shapes: Determining Differences in Search and Perception across Modalities
  2. Recognizing Hand Drawn Circuit Diagrams using ML
  3. Asian Language Learning through Sketching Crossword Puzzles and AI
  4. Ostracod Valve Recognition using Sketching, AI, and HCI
  5. Recognizing Chemical Diagram Sketches using ML

CyberHealth GIS Summer 2016 REU Projects:

  1. What Factors Drive Food Choices
  2. The Feasibility of Using CASPER to Assess Prevalence of Neglected Tropical Disease Risk Factors.
  3. Identifying Potential Mosquito Breeding Grounds: Assessing the Efficiency of UAV Technology in Public Health.
  4. Exploring the Relationship between Public Infrastructure and Race.
  5. Identification of Health Disparities in Vision Care through Regression Analysis of Access.
  6. Mapping Ultraviolet Radiation with Wearables.
  7. Utilizing Accelerometer Data to Recognize Pacing with Machine Learning.
  8. Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM) and Wearable Devices: An Application to Help Aviators Manage Fatigue.
  9. A First Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Pedestrian Intersection Safety Index.
  10. Investigating Navigational Wearables for People Living with Dementia.
  11. Identifying Distribution of Asthma Rates in Harris County, Texas in Relation to EPA Toxics Release Inventory.

CyberHealth GIS Summer 2017 REU Projects:


Sketching and AI in Education:

  1. Mechanix: Automatically correcting Hand-Drawn Statics Homework Problems and Tests using AI and ML
  2. Sketchtivity: Teaching Engineering Students to Draw in 3-D Perspective using AI and ML
  3. Using AI and Sketch Recognition to Recognize Hand Drawn Mathematical Equations
  4. iCan Trace: Generating Life-Like Comic Avatars through AI and Sketching
  5. Persketchtivity & Zen Sketch Demo and Interactive Workshop.
  6. Flow Chart Sketch Recognition.
  7. Mixed Reality Guitar Learning System
  8. Tensai - Using Sketch-Based Games and AI to Improve Japanese Handwriting
  9. Asian Language Sketch Education
  10. Asian Language Learning through Sketching Crossword Puzzle
  11. Recognizing Chemical Diagram Sketches
  12. Recognizing Circuit Diagrams
  13. FreeStyle: Interactive Wireframing with Sketch Recognition

Haptics & Wearables:

  1. Designing Wearable Foot Sensors for Gaze-Based Interactions
  2. Underwater Depth Perception Using Smartphone Sensors.
  3. Identifying Swimmer's Flips.
  4. Recognizing Swimming Strokes Using Machine Learning.
  5. Tactical Playbook: Haptic Troop Navigation.

Activity Recognition:

  1. Identifying Restless Leg Syndrome Using Machine Learning.
  2. Watch-Based Seatbelt Detection.
  3. Recognizing Cleaning Activities in Elderly in Machine Learning.
  4. Emoji Recognition for Webinar Crowd Interaction.

Eye Tracking:

  1. Designing Wearable Foot Sensors for Gaze-Based Interactions
  2. Designing Eye-Tracking Interactions for Solidworks.
  3. Determining What Recruiters Want Through EyeTracking.
  4. Eye Tracking Talks.
  5. Visualize - Eyetracking for Art Curation

Health :

  1. CyberHealthGIS REU Site 2016 Summer Projects.
  2. CyberHealthGIS REU 2017 Summer Projects.
  3. Integrating Outcomes of Care with Patient Treatments.
  4. Detecting Cognitive Decline.

Web-Based Systems and Social Media :

  1. KidGab: A Social Network for Kids: Using NLP and ML to understand how kids communicate online
  2. Sketchtivity: Teaching Engineering Students to Draw in 3-D Perspective using AI and ML
  3. ZenSketch: Teaching Drawing through AI and Gamification (won first jury prize at CHIPLAY 2017)