Building Future Leaders 

Application Portal

June 9-14, 2024



APPLY BY MAY14, 2024

College Station


(Scholarship opportunities are available for qualifying applicants)

What is Camp Build: Building Future Leaders?

The mission of Camp Build: Building Future Leaders in the Zachry Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is to attract top incoming College of Engineering freshmen and accelerate their academic and professional careers by providing them with advanced tools and technology while conducting experiential learning activities with world-class TAMU faculty.

Why attend?

Incoming Freshmen, with an interest in joining Civil or Environmental Engineering for Fall 2024 will get a head start on succeeding in the classroom through the provided materials and instruction. Engineering Academies are highly encouraged to apply to come to College Station campus and experience your future!!

Students will receive a college preparation head-start by receiving course material, computer technology, tutorials, and participating in experiential learning activities.

Families will be able to livestream some of Camp Build activities to see students conduct tests; build infrastructure; smash concrete and Legos®; watch safety transportation crash tests; design virtual 3D Digital-Twin buildings using gamification and measure Kyle Field for flood slope analysis.

What do you get from camp?

Each Student will receive:

Value Statement:

Technical Training:

Students will receive practical, hands-on training in the latest technological software relevant to Civil Engineering. This training encompasses programming systems and databases, environmental and structural modeling, research, and infrastructure design. The software tools covered include:


Students work with faculty, existing students, and industry leaders to enrich your learning experience and expand your global network. Additionally, Camp Build students will be invited to attend special events held by the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department.  Camp Build leaders are also encouraged to apply and participate in the Engineering Ambassadors Program, ASCE Student Organization, Peer Teacher Program, Zachry Leadership Program, and other collaboration programs.


Students will gain practical knowledge through hands-on experiences in our environmental chemistry research labs, concrete building labs, fieldwork, utilization of 3D scanning and modeling equipment, and engaging with world-leading faculty in the classroom 


Students will enhance their academic progress by participating in presentations about various Academic Support Services. These services include the Academic Success Center, Math Learning Center, Peer Tutoring, Writing Center, and Academic Coaching and Student Success Workshops. 


What is Camp BUILD?

Camp BUILD is a weeklong on-campus experience designed for incoming freshman engineering Students to provide the opportunity to explore the civil & environmental engineering programs at Texas A&M and experience Aggie culture.

Some of the camp activities include:

Where is Camp located?

On the TAMU campus at various sites and labs. Krueger Hall is the Dorm for Camp Build. Breakfast will be served in Duncan Hall.

Can I change the week I attend?

We are not able to move students to a different week of camp. Camp Build is a student learning-focused event.  Students are selected and organized based on their unique skills and knowledge, and we have a balance of students between the weeks.

What should I pack?

NOTE: If prone to injury or muscle strain, bring any braces that would normally be used to handle that.

Do not bring weapons of any type, desktop computers, TVs, XBox, Playstation, Atari, N64, etc.

Additional notes: Be sure to check with the counselors about proper clothes for that day's events. Never wear open-toed shoes in labs. Long pants, jeans, or slacks are required in some labs. You cannot wear leggings, shorts, skirts, dresses, or rompers in some labs.  Shorts, dresses, skirts, or leggings can be worn in technical labs.

Where do I park when I come to Campus for the Dorms and Civil Engineering Building?

Check AggieMap to see best parking for the dorms and the Dwight Look Engineering Building.

What do you do at Camp?

Students are presented with a Civil Engineering Challenge! Students will receive information, data, software, and material to help design and build throughout the week.  There is minimal downtime between activities as students will be working on their Civil Engineering Challenge.

What is included at Camp?



Subject to change.

What do we do for Check-in and Check-out?

Check-in: At assigned dorm (TBD) from 10:30-11:30 am. TAMU faculty and two overnight counselors will be at the dorm for check-in. Lunch for students and parents/guardians will be served in the Dwight Look Engineering Building from 12-1 pm.  Students and parents/guardians will then head to the "Welcome" talk in HEB 110 for a presentation from 1-2 pm. Then, parents/guardians depart and students start building!!

Check-out: Parents/guardians can attend Bridge Build from 9am-12 pm on the first floor of the Dwight Look Engineering Building.  Parents/guardians are invited to Lunch with Admissions/Awards from 12-2:00 pm in HEB 110. Campers need to have their luggage packed up before heading to DLEB on Friday morning, but will not check out until 2:30 p.m. Check-out is between 2:30-3:30 pm. Medications will be returned to parents upon pick-up; car keys will be returned to student drivers after camp.

What are the basic rules of Camp Build?

Every student and/or group must stay together and not go off by themselves.

Students must stay in their dorm room with suite mates and not visit other dorm rooms after curfew. 

No students of the opposite sex may visit or stay in each other's dorm rooms. 

Overnight counselors are responsible for their gender-specific campers during his/her shift. A list of room assignments and phone numbers will be provided to the counselor. 

Code of Conduct

Lead by example and follow the Conduct Expectations:

Can I get on the Internet?

Yes. You will be given a login using your provided email to log in to computers and the internet.

Who are the counselors?

We have selected top TAMU students to be your counselors. You will be divided into groups and assigned different counselors throughout the day for the camp activities. Campers will also have an overnight counselor who will be staying in the dorms with them.

What is the Camp Cancellation Policy?

Please contact Dr. Stacey Lyle immediately for any camp cancellations.