
July 2024, upcoming publication:

The CAMDA inaugural volume, published by Springer-Birkhäuser, is now available for preorder here. 

June 2024, new internal funding:

Andrea Bonito is the PI on the grant Approximating Partial Differential Equations without Boundary Conditions awarded by the NSF.  

December 2023, new internal funding:

Simon Foucart is co-PI on the interdisciplinary grant Foundations of Autonomous Materials Discovery awarded by the ASCEND-TPT program at Texas A&M University.  

August 2023, it is official:

Explorations in the Mathematics of Data Science - The Inaugural Volume of the Center for Approximation and Mathematical Data Analytics will be published in the book series Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis by Springer-Birkhäuser. The submission deadline is 15 October 2023.

June 2023, new external funding:

Rui Tuo is the PI on the grant Sparsely Activated Bayesian Neural Networks from Deep Gaussian Processes awarded by the NSF.

May 2023, new external funding:

Stephan Wojtowytsch is the PI on the grant Neural Networks for Stationary and Evolutionary Variational Problems awarded by the NSF.

May 2023, congratulations!

Chunyang Liao has graduated and will start a postdoc at UCLA in the Fall.

May 2023, new external funding:

The inaugural CAMDA conference is supported by the NSF through the award DMS-2329268.

April 2023, the inaugural CAMDA conference is around the corner... 

The program is now available on the conference website.

January 2023, congratulations! 

Math postdoc Josiah Park is joining Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as a postdoctoral researcher.

October 2022, new external funding: 

Jonathan Siegel is a co-PI on the collaborative grant Interpretable Machine Learning based on Deep Neural Networks: a Source Coding Perspective  awarded by the NSF.

September 2022, new external funding: 

Minh Binh Tran is a co-PI on the collaborative grant Machine Learning and Mean Field Control  awarded by the NSF.

August 2022, new graduate course: 

MATH 649: Mathematical Principles of Deep Learning (S. Wojtowytsch).

August 2022, noteworthy article: 

Nate Veldt is a coauthor of the Research Spotlights article Hypergraph Cuts with General Splitting Functions appearing in  SIAM Review.

August 2022, congratulations! 

TAMIDS postdoc and CAMDA affiliate Ming Zhong is joining the Illinois Institute of Technology as an assistant professor.

August 2022, welcome to two new assistants professors: 

Jonathan Siegel and Minh Binh Tran join the Department of Mathematics.

April 2022, new textbook:

Mathematical Pictures at a Data Science Exhibition, by S. Foucart, has been published by Cambridge University Press.

April 2022, congratulations!

Rui Tuo and Nate Veldt have become TAMIDS Career Initiation Fellows.

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