
Term 4 Week 2 - 6

We are learning learning to tell our story with the help of Art.

  • Think of the story you wish to share.
  • Write your story
  • Draw a plan for your story.
  • Share your plan with your buddy.
  • make sure your buddy understands your story.
  • Conference with T
  • Take feedback and improve on your plan
  • Choose your colours. Have you chosen appropriate colours to set the mood of your audience.
  • Decide your medium
  • Start your art

Term 4 Week 1

We are learning about Primary. Secondary and Nuteral colours

This week you will experiment with primary colours to create secondary and tertiary colours.

Make a slide show to share what you experienced when you experimented mixing colours.

Term 3 Week 8

Read about the Artist - Kendinsky

Think of some of the major events in his life and recall them. Try narrating these events to a buddy.

What are Kendinsky circles? What do they mean ? Can you make any connections with these circles? What do they remind you of?

Term 3 Week 7

WALT understand how colours can be used to convey emotions

Term 3 Week 5 and 6

Plastic Pollution

You will be provided a text on Plastic pollution. Please read it and then try and answer the question provided in the presentation below. Please make a copy before writing.

Link to plastic pollution and deforestation slides

Making Trash from Treasure

What are your thoughts?


What could we create to teach younger students in school about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores?

How could we share our knowledge about animals that live in different climatic regions of the world?

How could we make our community aware of plastic pollution and deforestation?

How could we teach our tuakana about food chains and food webs?

Link to Plastic Pollution presentation

Plastic Pollution

Term 3 Week 1 to 6

This term we will be making a movie for the Manaiakalani film festival

Here is the time line for it

WeeK 1 - What would be our theme? Can we link it to our topics?

Term 2 - Week 10

Classification of animals.

Can animals be classified into categories?

How would you classify them?

Make a display to show your understanding of this.

Term 2 - Week 9

Hi Room 6,


Yes it is Matariki time again....

Are there any legends around Matariki?

Research and find any two legends. Share these with a buddy.

Why do Maori celebrate Matariki?

How is Matariki Celebrated?

Term 2 - Week 7 and 8

Hi Room 6,

have you ever heard about endangered species?

What are they? Can you name some?

How do you think they got extinct?

What human practices must have been responsible for it?

have humans learnt from their mistakes from the past?

What should we do to look after our environment?

What could happen if these glaciers melt away because of the rise of temperature on Earth?

Why is the temperature on earth rising?

What could we do to stop it?

Term 2 - Week 6

Hi Room 6,

This week we will be complete all 'create' tasks and get ready for AKO evening.

Otago Gold.pdf

Term 2 - Week 1 to 5

Hi Room 6,

We will be continuing to learn about new Zealand History for the next 5 weeks. During this time we will be focussing on the create aspect as well because we have Ako evening in Week 6. Please refer to the readings to lean about the 18th and the 19th century New Zealand.

Task - We will continue to work on our timelines.

Sealers, Traders & Missionaries.pdf
The Gold Rushes.pdf
The Early 20th Century.pdf
The Late 19th Century.pdf
The New Zealand Wars.pdf
War, Protests and Economic Problems .pdf

Term 1- Week 8 to 11

WAL about the traditional tales and legends that are related to New Zealand.

Watch these videos and narrate the stories in your own words.

Week 6 and 7

We will be learning about the following

What was the lifestyle of the first Maori That arrived in New Zealand.

What was Captain Cook's experience when he arrived in New Zealand?


Read about the above topics and create timeline charts to tell your story.


Week 4 and 5

Week 6 and 7

Read this text and highlight all the difficult words.

Look for meanings of the difficult words.

Recall and share the main facts about the story you have just read.

Link to the presentation

Extinct birds of New Zealand
Extinct birds of New Zealand